Упр. 1.
1. Mary left Paris last week. (Past Simple)
2. My little brother has not watched a cartoon yet. (Present Perfect)
3. The artist drew a picture of sunset yesterday. (Past Simple)
4. We already have seen *Shrek*. (Present Perfect)
5. I have known him since 2002. (Present Perfect)
Упр. 2.
1. Jack is the cleverest of the three brothers.
2. Greg felt worse yesterday than the day before.
3. I think my cat is the prettiest of all the cats in the world.
4. Our new house is more expensive than the old one.
5. Nick is more happy than Mary.
the small, sunny island of antigua is one of the most beautiful islands in the caribbean. two hundred years ago, many of the large buildings were houses or shops. today, they are nice hotels with comfortable rooms. the carlisle bay club is close to a beautiful beach and is much less expensive than some of the other hotels.
небольшой, солнечный остров антигуа является одним из самых красивых островов в карибском море. двести лет назад многие из больших зданий были домами или магазинами. сегодня это хорошие отели с удобными номерами. отель carlisle bay клуб находится рядом с красивым пляжем и стоит гораздо дешевле, чем некоторые другие отели.