Mr. Braun: So, Kira, do you like your room?
Kira: Yes, she is very cute.
Mr. Braun: Great, but remember that you have to keep the room clean and mustn't make noise.
Kira: Ah, of course. Can I sometimes invite friends to visit?
Mr. Braun: Yes, but only until 10 pm. Any other questions?
Kira: Oh, can I bring some food?
Mr. Braun: you can, but don't forget to clean regularly!
Kira: Erm... Okay, thank you Mr. Braun.
Mr. Braun: I hope you’ll be comfortable here, Kira.
Мистер Браун: Итак, Кира, вам нравится ваша комната?
Кира: Да, она очень милая.
Мистер Браун: Отлично, но помните, что вы должны содержать комнату в чистоте и не должны шуметь.
Кира: Ах, конечно. Могу ли я иногда приглашать друзей в гости?
Мистер Браун: Да, но только до 22:00. Другие вопросы?
Кира: О, я могу принести еды?
Мистер Браун: вы можете, но не забывайте регулярно чистить!
Кира: Эм ... Хорошо , мистер Браун.
Мистер Браун: Надеюсь, вам здесь будет комфортно, Кира.
(имена можешь изменить)
1) Father got very angry and said that I didn't love him at all.
2) The girl in a cloak of rushes said that she hadn't any place to go.
3) The servants said that there was a great dance that night and that we were allowed to go and look at the ladies and gentlemen.
4) Cap of Rushes said he was too tired go to the dance.
5) The servants told Cap of Rushes that it was a pity he hadn't come with them the previous night and that then he wouldn't see the beautiful lady because there wouldn't be any more dances.
6) The cook said he was going to make some porridge.
7) The young master sent for Cap of Rushes and asked her where she had got that ring.
8) Cap of Rushes went to the cook and asked her to cook every dish for the wedding feast without salt.
8:00 I always try to wake up and turn on my TV
8:15 I go to my bathroom brush my teeth and wash my face.
8:30 At this time I usualy have my breakfast
8:50 I do my morning exercises
9:20 I watch TV or play games
10:00 I go to the shop
11:00 I leave my purchases and go for a walk
13:00 I have my dinner
14:00 I help my mother
16:00 I play different games
18:00 I have my supper
19:00 I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth
21:00 I go to my bed