ответ: Задание 2. Написание предлогов и фразовых глаголов. Выберите правильный вариант. 1. Гитарист продолжал играть в течение 20 минут после ухода певца со сцены. 2. Лига Справедливости рассказывает историю о группе супергероев. 3. Идея книги «Голодные игры» пришла к Сюзанне Коллинз из Древнего Рима. 4. Группа должна провести проверку звука до начала концерта. 5. Нам понравилось соревноваться с другими местными музыкантами в Battle of the Band. 6. Видеоигра вышла / выключилась в понедельник. 7. Многие люди подключены к Интернету. 8. Он не говорил / продолжал говорить о событии. Итого [8]
Объяснение: я тебе перевел!!
Hi, Alex.
I am very glad to hear from you again. I have not written to you for ages because I wasn’t in. I was in London. I would like to tell you about my travelling that was really magical. At first we visited Big Ben one of London’s famous landmarks and then we saw Westminster Abbey. As you know it was built by King Edward in 1065. The coronation of all British Kings and Queens takes place here. Famous English people are buried here. It’s an amazing place.
I was happy to visit The Tower of London because I’ve read that throughout its 900-year history the Tower has been many things: a palace, a fortress, a prison, a place of execution, and even a zoo. Now it’s a great museum! I couldn’t believe my eyes!
Well, we ever went to St Paul’s Cathedral which was built after the Great Fire of 1666 by Sir Christopher Wren, a brilliant mathematician and engineer, who designed many famous buildings in London. I wish you were there with me! It’s unforgettable sight!
Our teacher is fond of detective stories that’s why we went to The Sherlock Holmes Museum which was opened in 1990 and we could see the world’s famous house of real detectives.
Finally, we went to the Buckingham Palace the history of which began in 1702 when the Duke of Buckingham had built it as his London home. Now it's a home of the Queen Elizabeth II. It’s really a majestic building.
It is all for me for today. I have to go to the swimming pool now.
Write soon.
I am always pleased with your letters.
Best regards to your family and friends.
Celia: No we are not (e) We are leaving tomorrow.
Gloria: Where are you going first?
Celia: (b) We are going to Madrid.
Gloria: To Madrid? What are you going to do there?
Celia: (d) We are going to see the palace where the king lives.
Gloria: Have you planned your visit to Madrid?
Celia: Not yet. Maybe (a) We will watch a Real Madrid match.And what are your plans for August
Gloria: (f) I am spending August with my grandparents. I always do it.