Слова исключения be was been beat beat beaten become became become begin began begun bite bit bitten break broke broken bring brought brought build built built buy bought bought catch caught caught как читается на напишите !
Tv it is a part of our life,it gives us the reflection of evens and it us the information of global world.There is no life without Tv.If you don't watch Tv you can't talk about the prommes with people. That's impotant for us. Most people think is great ,because we can watch the infomation every day.But some people think Tv is bad ,because is bad for our eyes .They say:no Tv no problem.Tv's impotant and with the news we learn about the world.Tv is popular as always,but next time you see a new pop star plaing his guitar on television.(это было небольшое вступление ,надеюсь
1... must.. qet a visa 2... must.. apply for a visa at least one month before you go 3... mustn't. stay there lonqer than your visa is opened to 4.. must. have a returned ticket or you will have some problems to qet the desirable date 5.. needn't..book a hotel room befoore you do, because there are usually a lot of vacancies 6.. must..qet a work permit if you want to work there 7. should.visit San Francisko, because people think it*s the most beautiful citu in American 8.. needn't..chanqe your money before you qo, because there are many 24-hour banks 9. .should..hire a car because it*s the easiest way to travel 10 ..mustn't ..break the speed limits or you will have problems with the police 11 ...should..visit your physician before you qo to keep your health qood far from your home 12 ..needn't .have special injections before you qo to keep your health qood
be - би, was - воз, been - бин, beat - бит, beaten - битен, become - бикам, became - бикейм, begin - бэгин, began - бигэн, begun - бэган, bite- байт, bit- бит, bitten- биттэн, break- брейк, broke- броук, broken- броукэн, bring -брин, brought- брот, brought- брот, build -билд, built- билт,
built- билт, buy- бай, bought- бот, bought бот- catch кэч, caught- кот, caugh- кот