was relaxing - отдыхал
noticed - заметил
had started - начал
was curious - был любознательный
was happening - происходило
happened - случилось
saw - видел
came- пришёл
had - имел
loved - любил
wanted - хотел
started - начал
began perfoming- начал представлять
became - стал
realised- осознал
was - было
presented - представил
was made- был сделан
burned - горело
caused- вызвало
were- были
landed - приземлился
gathered - собралась
asked - спросили
agreed - согласился
took place- занимал место
reached - достиг
floated - пролетел
2) to relax c) to rest
3) to wash up c) to clean the dishes
The British have sweet …a) tooth
2) Children must …the rubbish. a) clear up
3) Children must …in the garden. c) help
4) His … sister joined us at the meeting. c) elder
5) Put ... into your pie to make it sweet. b) sugar