He's not entirely right. 2. He is completely wrong. 3. I didn't understand you very well. 4. I do not understand you at all. 5. He was not at all worried during the exams. 6. We are not entirely sure that he will come. 7. They are not entirely happy with his answer. 8. I don't need their help at all. 9. He was not entirely frank with you. 10. I have absolutely no idea how to get him to tell us the whole truth. 11. They didn't want him to stay with them for the summer at all. 12. Don't be afraid of this dog. She's not dangerous at all. 13. I don't quite believe his story.
Когда мой папа пошел в парикмахерскую он ввшел от туда лысым.Мы были в магазине тетехник и я увидел там привлекательный телефон.Я спросил у мамы какой у меня цвет волос,и она ответила мне что я блондин.Мама сказала что я кудрявый крассавчик.Когда я был в магазине животных я увидел там котенка,он был такой милый что я попросил его купить.В нашем классе учиться мальчик и мне кажется,что он очень красивый.У моего папы на пистолете очень длинный ствол.Стоя с моим старшим братом он очень высокий а янизкий,он говоритчто я низкогго роста
1. If only dinosaurs hadn’t become extinct, would not have developed from primates
2. If people hadn't destroyed so many forests, we would have been helthier
3. If carbon dioxide emissions hadn’t been so big, (я не знаю как перевести carbon dioxide emissions, sorry)
5. If only human population hadn’t grown so much, there would have been less of people on Earth.
6. If poachers hadn’t killed so many rare animals, the humanity would have seemed kinder.
7. If only people hadn’t polluted the water in the oceans and seas, we would have got cmore chances of a brighter future.
8. If only humans had started thinking about environment at the times of the Industrial Revolution, our Earth would have been different.