Robinson from childhood dreamed about sea travel. He was the youngest child in the family, and he didn't need rationality. The father, a man of staid and steady, tried to persuade his son to come to their senses and begin to lead a normal modest existence. But the exhortations of the father and mother do not help, and in September, 1651, the hero sailed to London.
From the very beginning of sea travel, the ship gets caught in a few storms. The ship is sinking, and the team picks up the boat. Such tests do not stop Robinson. In London he met with an experienced captain, who takes him on a journey to Guinea and even teaches Maritime skills. Returning to England, Robinson decided on independent travel to Guinea. But this expedition was very unsuccessful. The ship captured the robbers. Robinson two years was a servant of the captain of a pirate ship. He decides to escape with the boy Xury they missed the boat.
During the voyage she was from a Portuguese ship. The ship's captain agrees to take Robinson to Brazil. Where the hero stops thoroughly, he even acquires a plantation for growing tobacco. But then this peaceful existence begins to remind him of his parental home. A desire for new travel forcing Robinson to break this way.
The reason for the new expedition comes himself, planters want to get slaves to work. But from Africa to take their very expensive. Therefore, equips a ship to Guinea. Robinson sailed on it as a ship clerk. The ship gets caught in a severe storm, the whole team dies. Only Robinson throws to the shore of a deserted island.
The first night he sleeps in the tree. On the second day he finds the raft, which tried to escape the team and the price of the threat to his life brings him to the island. The hero also finds close to the shore of his battered ship, he swims back over 12 times the most useful things – tools, gunpowder, food, clothes. Night storm new leaves from the ship is nothing.
The main concern of Robinson for the first time becomes the construction of housing. He finds a clearing, pitch a tent there. Hero tries to survive by all available means. He develops agriculture. Leads the hunt for goats and then turns them into Pets. Since Robinson actually lost over time, it makes a kind of calendar of the post, which puts a mark on them passing every day. Then Robinson is sick with fever, he to survive even read a prayer of repentance.
After the earthquake, the hero carries his tent on the coast, still hoping for salvation from a random vehicle. Then Robinson decides to build a boat to sail to the mainland. He's a few months makes a large tree cake, but launching it fails. He sews himself a furry suit, even makes an umbrella from the rain and sun.
Once on the sand Robinson finds a human footprint. This finding is very scared of him. He suspects it may be the savages that would destroy its building and supplies, or will eat it. Robinson two years living in fear, with caution looking out to the sea, from there come the savages.
Somehow the savages-cannibals come to the island to celebrate their cannibalistic feast, but their prisoner escapes. His pursuers Robinson kills. Saved becomes for Robinson a real friend. The hero calls him Friday. Robinson teaches him to speak English. According to stories Friday, on the mainland at his fellow tribesmen live by the Spaniards from the sunken ship. Comrades even plotting to release them. Plans change when the savages to massacre take to the island father of Friday and the Spaniard. Robinson and Friday they are released.
New visitors visit the island in a week. The sailors of the English ship decides to kill the island of his captain. Robinson frees them by killing the villains. The captain agrees to deliver Robinson in England. 28 –year journey is nearing completion. The parents of a hero long dead. He becomes a wealthy man thanks to the income from the plantation in Brazil. The hero successfully gets married, he has a son and a daughter.
My name is Sergey. I’m twelve years old. I’m going to tell you about my father. His name is Vladimir. His second name is Alexandrovich. He was born in Leningrad region, Volhov city; on August 28, 1973. In the childhood my father dreamt of becoming a soldier, but after finishing school he decided to enter the railway college. He graduated from it and then went to the army. My father served in the air forces in Samarkand. He tells much interesting about army. Then father decided to get higher education and entered the university and became correspondence student. He received degree with distinction. My father is an engineer now. He is authoritative and respectable person at work. My father has many hobbies, but his favourite hobby is fishing. He often takes me and shows how to fish. My father is a head of the family. He is strict and exacting but very fair. He spends his free time with me and my mother. We go to the cinema and have a rest in the country all together. My father is very caring and kind. When I grow up I want to be like him.
She plants every day
She is planting this week