1. The dog's ball
2. The man's skateboard
3. The children's songs
4. This woman's umbrella
5. My friend's room
6. My son's questions
7. My brother's wife.
8. Our teacher's table
9. The Pushkin's poems
10. This girl's voice
11. The workers' new club
12. The Pete's letter
13. My parents' car
14. This woman's life
15. These womans' handbags
16. My sister's flat is large
17. My brother's children are at home
18. The boys' room is large
19. This girl's name is Jane
20. These students' work is interesting
21. My son's computer is modern
22. He was a my cousin's friend
My younger brother has been borrowing my laptop without asking for my permission. (Мой младший брат берет мой ноутбук, не спрашивая у меня разрешения.)
He has broken my favourite mug but hasn't apologized. (Он разбил мою любимую кружку, но не извинился.)
He has eaten a bar of chocolate that I bought yesterday. (Он съел плитку шоколада, которую я вчера купил(а).)
He has worn my denim jacket several times. (Он несколько раз надевал/носил мою джинсовую куртку.)
I have been trying to do my homework but he has turned up the radio and has been listening to music! (Я пытаюсь делать уроки, а он включил погромче радио и слушает музыку!)
And to top it all, he hasn't been helping me with household chores. (И в довершение всего, он не мне по дому.)
ран, дак, фани, ап, джамп, мам.