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16.11.2021 12:58 •  Английский язык

Сначала надо прочитать и потом ответить на вопросы no living thing or group of living things can live and grow in isolation. all organisms, plants and animals need energy to develop and all species of living things influence the lives of other. ecology is a science. it studies how plants, animals and human beings live together and influence each other. it is also a science about our environment. people have always studied living things in their natural environment. in other words, they have always studied the air, the water , the soil and all other things that are around a person, animal or plant. the environment can influence the growth of living things ans the way they develop. ecologists also study what happens to different species, how they change. the scientists collect information about the number of living things in different areas, their size and behaviour. ecology is one of the most important sciences in the 21st century. it teaches us how to survive in the modern word. 1) why do people so ofter speak about ecology these days? 2) what makes ecology an important science? 3) when did people first start speaking about ecology? 4) the information of what sciences does ecology use? 5) яwhat are some of the problems that ecologist are working on now? 6) how can the environment influence a living thing? can you give an example? 7) what is human ecology? what does it study? 8) what is your natural environment? do you think it is healthy?

1) Because it’s one of the most important sciences in the modern world.
2) Ecology helps us survive in the modern world.
3) People started speaking about ecology in the second part of the 20th century.
4) Ecology is closely connected with natural sciences such as biology, geography, phisics and so on
5) There are lot of problems ecologists are working on now: air pollution, water pollution, land pollution;shortage of natural resources;destruction of wildlife;the growth of population;traffic noise;acid rains;the greenhouse effect;global warming.
6) The environment can influence the growth of living things and the way they develop. For example: when we destroy forests various animals and birds die.
7)  Human ecology studies the problems with nature which are connected with people.
8) My natural environment isn't healthy. People in my area take from nature as much as they can. They cut down forests and build farms, houses, roads on the land. While doing that, they pollute the environment. Cars and factories, plants and power stations also pollute the air and make it dangerous to breathe.
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How I Saw the New Year in

New Year is my favourite holiday.We celebrate it on the 31st of December.

This year I celebrated New Year with my family. On New Year Eve we bought a New Year tree and decorated it with coloured balls and bright lights. We bought presents for our friends and relatives. My mother and I cooked a holiday supper. We made tasty salads, chicken, potatoes and mushrooms. We made a holiday cake, too. We bought a lot of fruit and sweets. We decorated our house with flakes and toys and put beautiful candles on the fireplace. We put a nice tablecloth, place and cups on the table.

Our guests came to visit us in the evening. They gave me wonderful presents. My aunt gave me a teddy bear as a present. My uncle`s present for me was a beautiful doll.

Then Father Frost came to our place. He was so funny! He had a big bag of presents.I told him a poem about winter, and he gave me a computer game as a present.

At last New Year came! We congratulated our dearest and nearest and wished them a Happy New Year! We enjoyed food and drinks. We danced, sang songs and played. I played the guitar. We had a good time together.

New Year was a merry and a happy holiday. I liked it very much.


Новый год - мой любимый праздник. Мы отмечаем его 31 декабря.

В этом году я отмечала Новый год со своей семьей. В канун Нового года мы купили ёлку и украсили её разноцветными шарами и яркими огнями. Мы купили подарки нашим друзьям и родственникам. Мы с мамой приготовили праздничный ужин. Мы сделали вкусные салаты, курицу с картошкой и грибами. Мы также испекли праздничный торт. Мы купили много фруктов и конфет. Мы украсили наш дом снежинками и игрушками, и поставили красивые свечи на камин. Мы постелили красивую скатерть и поставили тарелки и чашки на стол.

Наши гости пришли к нам вечером. Они подарили мне чудесные подарки. Моя тетя подарила мне плюшевого медведя.В подарок от дяди я получила красивую куклую

Потом пришел Дед Мороз. Он был такой забавный! У него был большой мешок с подарками. Я рассказала ему стишок про зиму, и он подарил мне компьютерную игру.

Наконец, наступил Новый год! Мы поздравили наших самых близких и дорогих и пожелали им счастливого нового дома. Мы наслаждались едой и напитками. Мы танцевали, пели песни и играли. Я играла на гитаре. Мы хорошо провели время вместе.

Новый год был весёлый и счастливый праздник. Мне он очень понравился.
4,4(70 оценок)
1. I had brushed my teeth before I went to bed
2. She had worked on her project since Monday
3. She had done her homework before he called
4. I had learned English before I entered the univercity
5. After they had eaten breakfast they went to work
6. I had cooked dinner when they arrived
7. I had not called him before he wrote me
8. They had finished work before they left
9. Ann had never been to an opera before last night
10. We had haad that car for 10 years before it broke down
11. He had drunk coffee before he went to work
12. She had never seen a bear before she moved to Alaska
13. He had written only 2 reports by 4 o'clock
14. I had not read the book by Saturday
15. When we called for Ann, she had not yet got up
16. When John came, she had been there for an hour
17. I had hoped you would help me
18.  I had thought you knew about our problem
19. When I found out about her she had lived in USA for 3 years
20. He had become a famous artist by 1995
21. I had passed the exams before I got my diploma
22. My mum had cooked dinner before we came home
4,8(18 оценок)
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