Пасха славянский праздник. Его празднуют в апреле. В этот праздник люди пекут куличи и красят яйца. Дата праздника влияет на дату празднования Масленницы. Символ данного праздника пасхальный кролик.
Этот праздник отмечают не только в России но и в США. На пасху принято угощать друзей и соседей цветными яйцами куличами и конфетами.
Easter is a Slavic holiday. It is celebrated in April. On this holiday, people bake cakes and paint eggs. The date of the holiday affects the date of the Maslenitsa celebration. The symbol of this holiday is the Easter Bunny.
This holiday is celebrated not only in Russia but also in the United States. At Easter, it is customary to treat friends and neighbors with colored eggs, cakes and sweets.
1. Her brother said he HAD never SEEN that film before. 2. He came home and listened: his son WAS PLAYING the piano. 3. They didn't worry too much because they HAD LOCKED the door. 4. I asked her when she WOULD GIVE me that book to read. 5. We wanted to know if they HAD ENJOYED the meal. 6. She supposed she WOULD LIKE the hotel. 7. I am afraid they HAVE NOT COME yet. 8. He wanted to know if the station WAS far away. 9. Eric doesn't know who PHONED him at five o'clock. 10. He admitted he HADN'T BEEN here for weeks. 11. She was sorry she HAD ARRIVED so late. 12. Jean promised she WOULD never SPEAK to me again. 13. Andy said he HAD just BOUGHT a new car. 14. My mother decided that she WOULD never DRINK coffee late at night. 15. I hear you HAVE already FOUND a new job. 16. We were sure our children WERE SLEEPING. 17. I didn't think they WERE still DISCUSSING that problem. 18. It is remarkable that you HAVE COME at last. 19. My doctor thinks I AM allergic to pineapples. 20. Sophia knew her aunt WOULD BE glad to visit her in two days