Тест. Модуль 7
I A. -Матч две части фразы.
1. броский
2. впечатляющий
3. балет
4. аудитория
5. предсказуемо
6. рев
а) cheering___
б) музыка
в) ___scenery
г) танцовщица
e) " » настройки
f) сюжетная линия
I B .- Используйте каждую фразу из задачи II А для завершения предложений:
1. Чтобы быть «я», вы должны тренироваться в течение многих лет.
2. Вы имели бы головную боль если вы слушали к тому q» весь день длиной.
3. Он наслаждался фильмом, хотя он был очень .
4. Тема песни к фильму была довольно
5. Си
Sometimes in hurry we're forgetting about nature, we're forgetting, what it needs help.
The world we're live in, everything that surrounds us: people, earth, rivers, forests, birds, animals - we should treat it all wisely, kind and soulful, because human is the only creature who can do that.
It's happiness to be with nature, to see her, to talk with her. When our grandparents were kids, people were surrounded by completly different nature either that one among which we're living now. Back then rivers have quietly streamed their clear water into the seas and oceans, forests were so deep what fairytales were tangled in it's branches, and nothing but birds' song didn't break the silence.
But recently we have suddenly understood that it all - clear rivers and lakes, wild forest, unploughed fields, animals and brids are disappearing. Along with lots of discoveries mad twenty centry gave the humanity lots of troubles. Among them is one very and very important one - environmental protection.
It was hard for some people, busy with their work, to notice how nature faded away, as hard to notice back then that Earth was round. But these who is always connected with nature, these who watches and explore it: scientists, writers, workers of reserves and many others, - have found out that nature of our planet is quickly dissolving. And they start to talk, write, making movies about it so people would finally think and worry about it. Nothing can replace our nature, so native and so alive, and it means that time to act has came, and we should treat it in a new way: much more thrifty and careful than ever before. Because we're a part of it too, despite that we have isolated ourselfs with stone walls of cities from it. If nature is no good, then we are as well. Every era has got it's own questions, and we're the one who should answer. We're the one who should suffer with these questions, and we should answer today, for sake of life, of the next generations, so they could live and enjoy it, so river of my childhood could live...
Because human truly holding dear and protecting the one he loves.
a village - a city,
to be born - to die ,
older - younger,
birth - death ,
to give - to take,
to enter - to go out,
true - false,
young - old,
poor - rich,
to remain - to leave ,
to move - to stop,
quickly - slowly.
ну, как-то так...