1. В течение 40 лет после 1945 года страны Восточной Европы имели плановую экономику, в которой рыночные законы играли лишь небольшую роль. 2. Правительство играет важную роль в распределении ресурсов в экономике. 3. Товары производятся на фермах или фабриках. Товары обеих групп потребляются людьми, которые их покупают. 4. Управление планирования правительство решает, что будет произведено, как будет произведено, и для кого она будет производиться. 5. Решения о распределении ресурсов принимаются каждый день в каждом городе, в основном через механизмы рынков и цен. 6. Когда в Бразилии был урожай кофе (очень высокий урожай кофе), бразильское правительство покупало у фермеров много кофе, а затем сжигало его. 7. Рынки зерна (зерно) сильно изменились за последние 25 лет в Соединенных Штатах
Сказуемые:had planned (Past Perfect)
played (Past Simple)
plays (Present Simple)
produced (Past Simple)
planning (Present Continuous)
will be produced (future simple)
distributing (Present Continuous)
being (Present Continuous)
bought (Past Simple)
changed (Past Simple)
про НиколуТеслу рассказ
Nikola Tesla
Widely known for his contribution to the creation of devices that operate on alternating current, multiphase systems and the motor will make a so-called second phase of the industrial revolution.
Also, it is known as a supporter of the existence of the ether: there are many of his experiences and experiments that had to show the existence of the ether as a special form of matter, amenable to the use of the technique.(этот абзац можешь удалить он второстепенный)
Employment Edison
Tesla with the "Theory of Natural Philosophy ..." Ruggero Boscovich against the RF coil of the transformer in the laboratory on Houston Street
July 6, 1884 Tesla arrived in New York. He took a job in the company of Thomas Edison (Edison Machine Works) as an engineer for the repair of electric motors and DC generators.
Edison is pretty cool to new ideas Tesla and more openly expressed his disapproval of the direction of personal research of the inventor. In the spring of 1885 Edison promised Tesla $ 50 thousand (at the time the amount is equivalent to approximately one million dollars today ) that if he makes it constructively to improve the electrical DC machine invented by Edison. [ Nicola actively took up the job and soon introduced 24 varieties of Edison's machine, the new switch and controller, significantly improving performance. Endorsing all of the improvements in response to the issue of remuneration Edison Tesla refused, noting that the emigrant still poorly understand American humor. Outraged Tesla immediately resigned.
1) I'm a happy owner of my own house.
2)I built it myself.
3)My house is a very big mansion.
4)It's a modern house.