ответ: 1. My sister is a lawyer. 2. Her husband is a doctor. 3. His brother is the manager. 4. Their computer is new. 5. My notebooks on the table. 6. Take your notebooks off the table. 7. Are your notebooks home? 8. Find your notebooks! 9. Get your new pen! 10. Meet our new programmer on the street. 11. Put your new book in the box! 12. Read your new text! 13. Our books are interesting. 14. Your room large. 15. Your brother is a programmer? 16. He in his room? 17. Their books home. 18. Their computer on work. 19. Their kids at school. 20. Their work is interesting.
dear helga,
i don't know what to do with green hair but i want to be with someone who makes me feel special. thank you for your support and love for the family. piano is edinburgh and i don't know how much i love you but my heart is edinburgh. ok i will be there when you get back from your birthday party at the end of the month. cucumber and blue cheese is the only place to be served in the morning. library could be a rainbow.
look forward to hear from you soon xoxoxo