каким будет будущее трудно предугадать. писатели-фантасты по-разному описывают будущее. но в большинстве случаев они сходны в одном: в обществе людей появятся роботы, у которых будет искусственный интеллект, и люди начнут переселяться на другие планеты. возможно, так оно и будет. ведь когда-то люди думали, что земля плоская, но когда стали бороздить просторы океана и открывать материки, то поняли, что дела обстоит совсем по-другому.
со временем люди также начнут открывать новые планеты, как когда-то открывали новые материки. человек не может сидеть на месте, он устремлен в будущее, перед ним еще множество тайн, которые ему предстоит раскрыть.
what will be the future is difficult to predict. science fiction writers describe the future in different ways. but in most cases, they are similar in one thing: in human society there will be robots that will have artificial intelligence, and people will begin to move to other planets. perhaps it will be so. after all, once people thought that the earth is flat, but when they began to surf the ocean and discover the continents, we realized that the situation is quite different. over time, people will also begin to discover new planets, as once discovered new continents. a person can not sit still, he is directed to the future, before him there are many secrets that he has to reveal.
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Russia is the largest country in the world. It borders 18 other countries. Moscow is the capital of Russia. This city plays a significant role in the country’s life. Saint Petersburg is the second largest city. People of different nationalities live on the territory of Russia. Russian is the state language. However, there are a lot of people speaking various dialects.
Approximately half of the territory of the country is covered with forests. Its flora and fauna are quite diverse.
Russia is agricultural and industrial country. Russia has a developed economy with enormous natural resources, particularly natural gas and oil. Russia is one of the leading countries in the space industry.
Russia is the country with great cultural heritage. There are historic and cultural monuments nearly in every city and town.