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15.01.2022 06:43 •  Английский язык

Expree the same in english? use past perfect к концу года они разбили вражеский флот он напомнил мне об событии после того, как джон уехал мы сожгли сухие листья до того, как выпал снег радуга появилась на небе после того, как мы пришли в теплицу.

By the end of the year they had defeated the enemy's fleet.
He reminded me of the event when John had left.
We had burned dry leaves before the snowfall.
Rainbow appeared in the sky when we had come to the greenhouse.
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Travelling is very popular nowadays. A lot of people travel to different countries if they have such opportunity. Travelling allows you to get interesting experience, learn about people’s life in other countries and continents. I think it is very interesting to discover new things, new places and different ways of life. While on travel, you meet new people, try different meals; see world famous places with your own eyes.

There are many ways of traveling – by train, by plane, by ship, on foot. If you want to visit a far country, you’ll definitely choose a flight. If your aim is to see many countries for a short time, you’ll choose travelling by bus or by car. If you want to be closer to nature, you may choose a trip on foot.

Lots of people nowadays live in big cities. So it’s natural that they want to have a holiday by the sea or in mountains with nothing to do but relaxing. There is other sort of travellers. They want to visit as many countries as possible. So after exploring Europe and North America they go to exotic countries.

People who travel a lot, are very interesting, they always have a good story to tell. Thanks to them you can learn many things which you didn’t know before. They motivate to see something new, to explore the world, which is so easy to do nowadays. Any kind of travelling helps you to understand many things that you would never see or learn at home.

As English people say – A picture is worth a thousand words. And I totally agree with them


Путешествия в наше время очень популярны. Много людей путешествуют в другие страны, если у них есть такая возможность. Путешествия позволяют получить новый опыт, узнать о жизни людей в других странах и континентах. Я думаю, что это очень интересно – исследовать что-то новое, новые места и такую разную жизнь. Во время поездки ты встречаешь новых людей, пробуешь новую еду, видишь знаменитые достопримечательности своими глазами.

Есть много путешествовать – на поезде, на самолете, на корабле, пешком. Если ты хочешь посетить далекую страну, то точно выберешь самолет. Если твоя цель – увидеть много стран за короткое время, то ты выберешь путешествие на автобусе или машине. Если хочешь быть ближе к природе, то, наверное, выберешь пеший поход.

Многие люди в наше время живут в больших городах. Так что это естественно, что они хотят провести отпуск возле моря или в горах, чтобы ничего не делать и отдыхать. Есть другой вид путешественников. Они хотят увидеть как можно больше стран. Так что после исследования Европы и Северной Америки, они ездят в экзотические страны.

Люди, которые путешествуют, очень интересные, у них всегда припасена интересная история. Благодаря им можно узнать много нового. Они мотивируют тебя увидеть что-то новое, исследовать мир, что так легко сделать в наше время. Любое путешествие узнать много нового, чего бы ты точно не узнал дома.

Как говорят англичане – Лучше 1 раз увидеть, чем 100 раз услышать. И я полностью с ними соглашусь.

4,7(59 оценок)
JK Rowling is one of the most famous writers of our time. Giving the world a series of books about Harry Potter, it instantly became popular and loved in all corners of the earth.

Future legendary writer was born in the town of Chipping suberi located in the County of Gloucestershire (England). Her father – Peter James was an engineer on the Rolls-Royce plant and her mother is Anne Volan a housewife. On the maternal side, the writer is of French and Scottish ancestry.

In addition to parents and close family for Joan has always been her younger sister Di. For her six-year-old author wrote his first book – a children's tale about the adventures of a rabbit named Rabbit and miss Bee.

To become friends with her younger sister even more, Joan had a chance because of the frequent relocations of their family. To have permanent friends, it was almost impossible, but because girls all their free time together. Friends sisters Rowling appeared only after moving to the town of Winterburn.

In 1990-m to year, Rowling left the organization, together with their boyfriend decided to move to Manchester. The train, which rode the girl was detained for four hours. At this point, Joan suddenly has clearly imagined the concept of the novel. Once home, the girl immediately began to write. Thus was created the first Chapter.

The next part of the book was written in Portugal, Joan went to teach English. Here the writer met her future husband, Jorge Arenacom. The couple started Dating, and soon officially legalize their relationship. In July 1993, the couple had a daughter Jessica Isabel. Thirteen months after the marriage, the couple broke up because Jorge often lost his temper and even beat Joan.

In 1995, the year she finished her first manuscript, which was sent to all potentially major Agency of England. She refused 12-five times, but eventually one of the agencies finally decided to publish a book. The novel was released in a limited edition, but soon began to collect a variety of awards. "Nestlé Smarties Book Prize", "British Book Award", "Children's Book Award" - each of these awards brought her books first downloads. After the first book was followed by new novels. Books young writer bought up millions of copies. Around the world have started a real hysteria associated with the name of Harry Potter, which only became stronger after the release of the same movie.

2004 year, Rowling became the first dollar billionaire who has achieved this success through books. For his contribution to the development of British literature Rowling was awarded the "Hugo Award", the order of the British Empire, and also became Chevalier of the Legion of honour and the winner of a huge number of other awards.

In addition to seven books, which made the story of Harry Potter and his friends, JK Rowling wrote and published several other novels somehow related to the magical world of Hogwarts. So, in 2001-m and 2008-m years, the world saw the book "Fantastic beasts and their habitats", "Quidditch from ancient times to our days", "the Tales of Beedle the bard", "Harry Potter: the prehistory", which became conformable applications to novels about the young wizard. Thus, readers had better understand the world in which this character exists.

Currently, in addition to writing, Rowling actively involved in charity work. 
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