Once at the school line, teachers congratulated high school students on their last September 1st, and wished them to become successful people in the future. I then wondered what it means to be a successful person?
It seems to me that in our modern society, people who are financially secure and have a high social status are considered successful. Famous people such as singers and musicians, actors, writers, artists, TV presenters, officials. Businessmen, entrepreneurs and company owners are also considered successful. Such a public stereotype of success is emerging. I agree with him, but with some addition.
First, the most important qualities of success are self-sufficiency and independence. You cannot boast of your success if someone else, your parents, for example, did almost everything for you. If a person was bought an apartment and presented with a car, this does not mean his success, in my opinion.It only says that his successful family cares about him. Yes, he can become successful in another area, but for this you need to try. You need to go through a difficult and thorny path in life: spend several years on study, strive to achieve and not give up if suddenly something goes wrong. And only after going through this, and having achieved the set goal, a person is considered successful.
Then I realized what the teacher wanted to say with my wishes. They want these guys to be really grown up. To boldly step forward and achieve everything they would like. So that they know that the path to success is never easy, that they never give up, and remember this. And then each of them will be able to confidently call himself a successful person.
To start with, working abroad is my dream. But every dream has disadvantages and disadvantages.
Lets talk about advantages. Gaining knowledge of other local customs and ways of doing things , awareness of workplace dynamics of a different country .
You can upgrade foreign language skills. ndependence in planning living style and work habits , awareness of the world and its variety of people and cultures...
Altho there are many advantages, you may face with some disadvantages, as:
Not everyone will be comfortable while moving abroad
Will be away from friends and family
You will go through a lot of relationship pressure
You may lose your sense of home.
Наводнения могут оказывать большое разрушительное действие. При наводнении вода уничтожает все на своем пути: здания, мосты, дороги и т.д. Может быть полностью уничтожен урожай, а также могут утонуть люди и животные.