Holmes - multi-faceted personality. Simultaneously, a talented violinist, a good fighter, a skilled actor, a chemist, he devoted his life to the career of a private detective. Investigating the case, which supplies its customers, it relies not only on the letter of the law, but also in their life principles, rules of honor, which in some cases replace him paragraphs bureaucratic norms. Holmes repeatedly allowed people, in his opinion, justified to commit crimes to avoid punishment. Holmes Mercantile, it first takes work. For his work on solving crimes Sherlock Holmes takes a fair reward, but if another client is poor, can take charge symbolically or even abandon it. Holmes - a resident of Victorian England, a Londoner, perfectly knowing their city. It can be considered a homebody and he travels outside the city (ies) only in case of emergency. Most cases Holmes solves the comfort of your living room, Mrs. Hudson, calling them "the affairs of one pipe." In everyday life, Holmes has steady habits. Unpretentious, indifferent to the comfort and luxury. He can not be distracted, but he was somewhat indifferent to the order in the room and accuracy in handling things. For example, conducting risky chemical experiments in his apartment and trains in the shooting at the wall of the room (knock shots monogram of Queen).
Khanskoe lake - Канське озеро (вживається без артикля, бо назва озера) Krasnodarsky Krai - Краснодарський край (без артикля, бо назва міста) The Azov Sea - Азовське море (з артиклем, бо назва моря) A narrow stream - стрімкий потік (пишеться з артиклем а, тому що перед загальною назвою стоїть прикметник) the stream - потік (мабуть, йдеться про якийсь конкретний потік) the mouth - рот (у людини є тільки один, тому з артиклем the) The salty lake - Солені озер єдине, що не знаю Herons - чаплі (без артикля, бо множина і загальна назва) seagulls - чайки (аналогічно) snipe - бекас або куликпташка така (одинакова форма як в однині, так і в множині)
Dirty - dirtier - the dirtiest (грязный) clean - cleaner - the cleanest (чистый) fat - fatter - the fattest (толстый) little - less - the least (маленький) ungly - uglier - the ugliest (уродливый) smart - smarter - the smartest (умный) expensive - more expensive - the most expensive (дорогой) good - better - the best (хороший) comfortable - more comfortable - the most comfortable (удобный) happy - happier - the happiest (счастливый) small - smaller - the smallest (маленький) big - bigger - the biggest (большой) cosy - cosier - the cosiest (уютный) tall - taller - the tallest (высокий) many - more - the most (много)