I used to go to school number 49. It was not far from my house, so I got to school on foot. First I was studying in class under the letter "D", then in class under the letter "E", and I finished the school in "B" class. There were about 30 people in my class. About class interior: dimensions of classes were the same, desks were a little ornamented, and there were not enough flowers in the classroom. About discipline, the discipline was not very good, many children were naughty, and didn`t keep the order. There were not difficult subjects, we studied most of all History and Literature. After school I went to a literary study group. The uniform was strict of black or dark blue colour. They sold pies in the school canteen, there were a lot of potatoes and cutlets, but unfortunately there were no cakes.
Здравствуй, Дедушка Мороз! С наступающим праздником тебя! Подари нам всем настоящую, русскую зиму! Пусть наконец то появятся сугробы. Заморозь все водоемы! И снега насыпь побольше! Чтоб смогли наши детки и мы с ними:) , кататься на санках, на коньках за все подарки, которые ты мне подарил!