1. When Irina came to the fitting room, she saw her girlfriend trying on a smart dress.
2. Have you heard Oleg reading the text? He was reading it very well. Now it`s your turn to record your reading.
3. Don`t advice her to buy this blouse. It doesn`t fit her.
4. Let Lena buy potatoes, onions and tomatoes.
5. Do you want her to buy these expensive shoes? - Yes, I do. They are so nice!
6. Mother wants Nina to go to the bakery.
7. I have met my friend recently. She was going out of the Moscow Central Store.
8. Nina wasn`t asleep and she heard her sister entering the room. She felt that Anna was touching her hands.
9. Make the child put things to their places.
10. Nobody can make him follow your advice.
1. Ann likes Bill, but he doesn‟t like her. - личное местоимение в объектном падеже
2. My brother is on a business trip now. He is a company manager. - личное местоимение в именительном падеже
3. The students ask some questions at the lesson. They want to know everything.
- неопределённое местоимение в утвердительном предложении
4. You do not make any mistakes in your spelling. Do you work hard at it? - Oh, yes, I do. - неопределённое местоимение в отрицательном предложении
5. I looked at myself in the mirror. - возвратное местоимение от личного местоимения I
6. Walk quicker, please. We have very little time. - местоимение-прилагательное (в значении "мало")
7. It's dark. I cannot see anything. - неопределённое местоимение в отрицательном предложении
8. Tom lives somewhere near London. - неопределённое местоимение в утвердительном предложении
Did the girl dance well at the party?
Did my sister clean the room last week?
my sister did not clean her room last week/
Did we ski in the forest a month ago?
We did ot ski in the forest a month ago