After a vacation that lasted three months, first of September finally came. How did i spend September 1st? I spent the first of September wonderful, I was very happy to see my school, teachers and classmates! The first of September is my favorite holiday, because it is wonderful after 3 months of idleness to start a life full of adventures and gaining knowledge again! and also on this day we received many new textbooks, and met new classmates. in general, I liked everything. I had a really great time.
Meat: pork, beef, chicken any on your choice, or a mix from different grades.
On everyone 0,5кг meat goes
3 tablespoons of starch
3 St of a spoon of mayonnaise
3 eggs (crude)
1 Art. of l of mustard
salt, pepper, and any favourite herbs.
Meat we cut long strips somewhere 2см width and 4 in lengths (all approximately, chicken and turkey is possible more largely, pork and beef is thinner. ) To the cut meat we add starch, mayonnaise, eggs, mustard, and spices. Properly to mix everything. To leave to pickle a minimum on 1,5часа (but it is better to make in the evening, and to eat in the morning). Meat we fry on vegetable oil, spreading it a spoon on a frying pan.