it is important to learn languages to date. english is the world language, spoken by many people and countries. some teach english for work, some for their own interest. i know that the english language is used in certain professions related to linguistics in general. today, knowledge of a foreign language is a necessary thing to get a good job. to be a well-known public figure, you have to know english very well. in the future i want to become a diplomat, to do this you need to know english and many other languages fluently.
изучать языки важно на сегодняшний день. язык - это мировой язык, на котором говорят многие страны и народы.некоторые учат язык для работы, а некоторые для своего интереса. я знаю, что язык применяется в некоторых профессиях, связанных с языкознанием. сегодня знание иностранного языка - это необходимая вещь, чтобы получить хорошую профессию. чтобы быть известным общественным деятелем, нужно знать язык хорошо. в будущем я хочу стать дипломатом, для этого нужно знать язык и многие другие языки в совершенстве.
local conflicts between various armed groups lead to countless acts of violence and cause destruction. civilian population faces the risks of extortion, robbery, kidnapping, and even murder. hospitals and schools often close in such areas. in addition, continuous fighting disrupts normal economic life, which affects all areas of life, and may cause severe problems such as food shortage. usually, there is no stable government on such territories, so people don’t even know where to turn for help. that is why living in these places is very difficult and highly dangerous.
2) The green girl said that that was the signal.
3) Dorothy said that she wanted to go home.
4) The Head asked her what she wanted of it.
5) Dorothy said that she wanted it to send her back to Kansas.