The United States borders Mexico to the South and Canada to the North. The United States also has a Maritime border with the Russian Federation. The United States is bordered by the Pacific ocean to the West, the Atlantic ocean to the East, the Gulf of Mexico to the Southeast, and the Alaska Peninsula to the North by the Arctic ocean.
Although the US government, resettling the last century of Indians in ... land, it turned out that these territories are storerooms of minerals. "Miscalculation" was revealed already in the 80s of the X1X century, when in the Indian ... from 1953 to 1960, it increased from 485 thousand acres to 5.3 million (the maximum level), i.e. almost 11 times
Brian answered that it had really been something silly.
Tom wanted to know what had happened.
Brian remembered Tom that he had wanted to try an extreme sport.
Tom answered that he remembered.
Brian said that he had finally decided to have a kitesurfing lesson.
Tom wondered if kitesurfing wasn't really risky.
Brian answered that it was a bit but he added that it had been fantastic. He said that he was actually thinking of joining the kitesurfing club and asked Tom what he thought.
Tom answered that he wouldn't if he had been Brian. He added that Brian had got a black eye, so it was obviously dangerous. Tom said that if Brian asked him, he would advise him to stick to a safer sport.
Brian told Tom that he hadn't got his black eye from kitesurfing. He explained that his friend Paul had accidentally hit him in the eye with his bag on the way home.
Tom answered that he saw.
Brian wanted to know what Tom thought about coming with him next time he went. He added that it was great fun.
Tom answered that he didn't know.