Рик отдыхает у своего бассейна в Лос-Анджелесе. Он любит проводить время со своими друзьями, но он ненавидит вечеринки. Рик находится в своем доме в пустыне. Он любит рисовать. Рик находится в своей квартире в Нью-Йорке. Он любит есть, но он ненавидит готовить! Рик находится в своем доме в швейцарских Альпах. Он любит писать песни для своего друга Карла Дей.
What Rick likes to do: He likes spending time with his friends. He loves painting. He likes eating. He enjoys writing songs for his friend Carla Day.
My ideal school. I think in an ideal school lessons should be fun and they must entertaining. But I understand that teachers should be strict. An ideal school should be comfortable. The desks must be tilted to be convenient to write on. In an ideal school children must be albe to choose additional subjects, such as Astronomy, Art, etc. Lessons should begin at 9:30 am and last for 40 minutes. But there must be only those children with a wish to learn and their lessons should be fascinating. In an ideal school the wel-behaved pupils should be praised and awarded prizes. Such is my ideal school.
2.When I finish school, I will go to university.