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14.09.2021 23:01 •  Английский язык

Переведите предложения с на язык. 1. я не ем сладости на этой неделе. 2. он талантлив в языках, он разговаривает на семи (7) языках. 3. на работе он обычно сидит целый день. 4. он всегда говорит, что он самый лучший ученик, но я ему не верю. 5. моя сабака не ест овощи. 6. посмотри! наша бабушка работает в саду. 7. нина любит посещать уроки танцев по выходным.

1:I don't eat sweet on this week.
2:He very talented of a languages. He speak on seven languages.
3: At work He usually sit a whole day.
4: He sayed: i best pupil, but i not believe him.
5:My dog don' eat vegetables.
6: Look! My granny job in the garden.
7:Nina like vusit subject dances at weekend.
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№1ты знаешь что такое биология? да, я знаю.а ты знаешь как это расшифровается? да, мы ещё в тетрадь записывали.№2мы знаем что ты делаешь после уроков? как ты это знаешь? я следил за тобой.№3он знает что ты ходишь на дискотеку? да он не знает.а как ты думаешь он дагодается? я думаю да! №4что ты любишь есть на обед сладкое? я люблю мороженоеа ты? я люблю разные сладости.№5как ты думаешь учительница дагодается что мы списали? наверное! а может нас и пронесёт! она нас рассекретила.перевод№1do you know what biology is? yes i know.do you know how this stands for? yes, we still recorded in the notebook.№2do we know what you do after class? how do you know that? i followed you.number 3does he know that you go to the disco? yes, he does not know.and how do you think he dagodatsya? i think yes! №4what do you like to eat for dinner sweet? i like ice creamand you? i love different sweets.№5how do you think the teacher dagodas that we have written off? probably! and maybe we will carry! she declassified us.
4,8(82 оценок)
Games mascots were two characters who personify the flora and fauna of Brazil. Mascot Olympics Vinicius has a yellow color and symbolizes the brightest and most popular wildlife in Brazil, combining "feline flexibility, agility monkeys, birds grace." The character of the Paralympic Games, Tom became the collective image of the Brazilian flora, its features can be found and the elements of the tree and flower elements. Mascots got their names in honor of Brazilian musicians of the XX century Vinicius de Moraes (1913-1980) and Tom Jobim (1927-1994) [3], which stood at the origins of bossa nova style.
Olympic Torch Relay
Main article: Olympic Torch Relay Olympic Games 2016
Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff with a torch Olympic torch

Olympic fire was lit April 21, 2016 in the temple of Hera in Olympia. Greek stage of the relay lasted for eight days, until 28 April (27 and 28 April the fire was in Athens), then the fire came to Lausanne, where the IOC headquarters, and a day later - in Geneva.
The bowl with the Olympic flame in the stadium "Maracana"

May 2 one-day visit to the Colombian Bogota. 3 May the Olympic flame arrived in Brasilia, Brazil started from a part of the relay. Within its framework the fire visited more than 300 cities, including the capitals of all Brazilian states. July 24 the fire came in the most populated city of the southern hemisphere - Sao Paulo. Relay Ends August 5, 2016 at the stadium "Maracana" opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.

In the Rio de Janeiro Games competitions will be held in 32 sports facilities. Another five stadiums will the matches of the football tournament in five Brazilian cities. Nine facilities in Rio has been specially built for the Olympic Games in 2016, 8 more sites have been seriously renovated. It is planned that seven facilities will be dismantled after the Games. Driving with 4 clusters, where the sports facilities have been tested in Rio during the Pan American Games in 2007 (number of facilities built for the competition in 2007, and were used in 2016). It Olympic teams built a modern and comfortable Olympic Village.

The main area (cluster), where most of the sports facilities in Rio de Janeiro - is Barra da Tijuca. Here, the Olympic Park was built, which houses nine arenas (two of them will be dismantled after the Games). The largest capacity on the arena of the Olympic Park - "Arena Carioca 1" (basketball), the Olympic water sports stadium (swimming, water polo), Olympic Tennis Center (Tennis). More three objects Barra da Tijuca area located outside the Olympic Park - the golf course in the reserve Reserva de Marapendi, Beach Area Pontal and Exhibition Center "Riosentro", in which the competition will be held in four pavilions (the organizers consider each pavilion as a separate sports facility ).

Three other cluster in Rio de Janeiro - Copacabana Beach (4 places of the competition, built "Arena Copacabana" on the most famous beach for beach volleyball), Maracanã (4 projects, including the stadium "Maracana", which will be opening and closing ceremonies of the Games ) and Deodoro (9 facilities). It is noteworthy that for the first time since 1900 the stadium, where the opening and closing ceremonies of the Summer Games ( "Maracanã"), will not accept the competition of athletes (they will compete on behalf of Joao Havelange Olympic Stadium).

Kinds of sports

Competition program remained roughly the same as in the previous games. October 9, 2009 at the same IOC session, where the city was chosen, voting was held, at which it was decided to include rugby-7 (a simplified version of rugby, with 81 votes against 8) and golf (vote 63 to 27) in the list of Olympic kinds sport and competition [4] [5] will be carried out by him for the first time in a long time. Last time golfers competed in the Olympics 112 years ago, and rugby competitions took place 92 years ago. Sport Olympiad program began two days before the opening ceremony - at the Olympic Stadium João Havelange in Rio de Janeiro Sweden women's national football team played with the South African team on August 3 at 13:00 local time.

    Rowing Rowing
    Badminton Badminton
    Boxing Boxing
    Fight Fight
    Cycling Cycling
        track cycling
        Mountain Bike
        Road Cycling

    Water sports
        Waterpolo Waterpolo
        Swimming Swimming
        Jumping into the water Jumping into the water
        Synchronized swimming Synchronized swimming
    Volleyball Volleyball
        Beach volleyball
    Golf Golf
    Canoe Sprint Canoe Sprint

        Jumping on a trampoline Jumping on a trampoline
        Gymnastics Gymnastics
        Artistic Gymnastics Artistic Gymnastics
    Judo Judo
    Equestrian Equestrian
        Show Jumping
    Athletics Athletics
    Table Tennis Table Tennis
    Sailing Sailing

    Rugby 7 Rugby 7
    Modern Pentathlon Modern Pentathlon
    Archery Archery
    Tennis Tennis
    Triathlon Triathlon
    Taekwondo Taekwondo
    Weightlifting Weightlifting
    Fencing Fencing
    Football Football
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