Родственники со стороны отца живут в Шотландии. У бабушки и дедушки там дом. Он очень старый и очень большой.У них есть 3 лошади, 2 собаки и 6 кошек. С ними всегда весело. Бабушку зовут Эдина. Ей 56. Бабушка необычная и экстравагантная. Она знаменитая оперная певица. Мой дедушка Attuir учитель. Дедушка мой лучший друг. Его хобби - шотландская история. У него есть много интересных книг и фантастическая коллекция шотландских музыкальных инструментов. У мох бабушки и дедушки 3 сына и 4 дочери. Это мои тети и дяди. У меня есть родственники по всему миру. В Австралии, Франции, Германии, Африке и Новой Зеландии.
1 . During session I didn't go anywhere and didn't watch TV at all. I was engaged much and passed all examinations successfully. 2 . The book was much more interesting, than I expected. It is the most interesting book which I read recently. 3 . We discussed news which just received. It for us very important data. 4 . Hardly I came home as the friend called. He told me that returned from England yesterday. 5 . She was grateful to the parents. They made for it very much. 6 . We waited more than an hour before the bus came. 7 . If the sun doesn't shine, birds won't sing, and the world will be a boring, lifeless place. 8 . To help you? - Open a window and close a door, please. In the room it is stuffy. 9 . It will get good work if successfully passes all examinations. But I am not sure that it will be able to make it. 10 . I can tell you that our family will do on the eve of New year: the father will prepare a turkey with apples, mother will bake pie, and I will decorate a fir-tree. 11 . Us invited to participate in a meeting with foreign students. Many interesting questions will be discussed there. We have to be there at 3 o'clock. 12 . When I came, this problem was still discussed. Any decision it wasn't accepted. We had to wait when it declare. 13 . I was stopped by police because I went too quickly. I had to pay a penalty. 14 . We thought that questionnaires still fill, but they were already completed and lay on a table. There was no only my questionnaire. 15 . It isn't necessary to drive the car while you won't be 18 years old. — I am not going to do it. 16 . Our house is repaired already by half a year, and nobody knows when repair will end. 17 . The police doesn't think that the crime was committed by this person. Suspect someone else. 18 . She told that she is hurt awfully by the head this week. I think that it has a flu. 19 . She hopes that its new article will print by a weekend. Two of its articles are already published in this magazine. 20 . We didn't think that they will arrive so quickly. The room wasn't prepared for their arrival. 21 . The boy couldn't answer questions of the teacher. If he listened to it attentively, he would understand everything. 22 . Night was very cold. If you didn't close a window, we everything here would catch a cold. I have a high temperature and the throat hurts. I am afraid that I have quinsy. ~ don't worry, for the doctor already sent.