1) Ми сегодня с родителями ездили искать древние раскопки ми находили разные раскопки про старадавних людей 2) ми находили разные придметы када была старадавняя война находили много интересного мечи ковшини стародавние лошки рисунки3)мечи рубини драгоцение камни украшения золото и много другова
-Привет. -Привет. -Что у тебя нового?Давно с тобой не виделись. -Да,давно.А нового у меня ничего и нет.У тебя как? -У меня всё замечательно!Неделю назад с родителями ездили на старинные раскопки. -Ух ты!А где это? -В Крыму.Там очень-очень интересно.Можно узнать много нового и познавательного. -А Вы там на экскурсии были? -Нет.У нас там родственники живут,а мы поехали к ним в гости.Вот они и устроили нам небольшую экскурсию по древним раскопкам. -Класс!А я вот давно мечтаю туда поехать.Но был только в Одессе,в катакомбах. -Советую тебе когда-нибудь поехать на раскопки,узнаешь много-много нового!Давай,если у меня будет возможность,я приглашу тебя в себе,и мы вместе поедем на раскопки?Мне кажется,это будет захватывающе. -Правда?Буду тебе благодарен! -Всегда А теперь пошли,погуляем вокруг парка.
1) English is spoken (Present Simple) 2) films were watched (Past Simple) 3) posters are made (Present Simple) 4) stories were told (Past Simple) 5) computer games will be bought (Future Simple)
1) books are written (Present Simple) 2) volleyball was played (Past Simple) 3) songs are sung (Present Simple) 4) skateboards were ridden (Past Simple) 5) a prize will be won (Future Simple)
1) Spanish is understood by them. 2) A new cars was bought by my friend . 3) The bathroom was cleaned by John . 4) The window is closed by the teacher . 5) Handball can be played by the girls .
1) A book was written by somebody in 1997. 2) This film will be shown on TV. 3) Smoking was given up by Rick 4) The road is built by them . 5) The mountains were covered by snow .
1) Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone 2) An Irishman wrote this book . 3) The people elected the president . 4) His mother packed the bag . 5) A car hit the child .
1) The teacher completes the exercise . 2) Ron and Peggy founded the club . 3) The children play football . 4) Patrick uses the computer. 5) Marie sells coffee .
1.The scanner converts the barcode into electrical pulses. The barcode is converted into electrical pulses by the scanner. 2. The branch computer sends the price and description of the product to the EPOS till. The price and description of the product are sent to the EPOS till by the branch computer. 3. The scanner reads the barcode. The barcode is read by the scanner. 4. The branch computer records the sale of the product. The sale of the product is recorded by the branch computer. 5. The till shows the item and price. The item and the price are shown by the till. 6. The checkout operator scans the item. The item is scanned by the checkout operator. 7. The scanner sends the pulses to the branch computer. The pulses are sent to the branch computer by the scanner. 8. The till prints the item and price on the paper receipt. The item and price are printed on the paper receipt by the till. 9. The branch computer searches the stock file for product matching the barcode EAN. The stock file for product matching the barcode EAN is searched by the branch computer.