I my keys – can you help me look for them?
Виберіть одну відповідь:
a. lost
b. have lost
c. has lost
d. had lost
My grandparents only each other for a few months before they got married.
Виберіть одну відповідь:
a. would know
b. had known
c. knew
d. have known
The baby should be due soon, next week she pregnant for nine months.
Виберіть одну відповідь:
a. will have been
b. is
c. would be
d. will be
When I got to the airport I discovered I my passport.
Виберіть одну відповідь:
a. forgot
b. forgotten
c. have forgotten
d. had forgotten
you ever to speak Chinese?
Виберіть одну відповідь:
a. Have you ever tried
b. Will you ever try
c. Do you ever try
d. Did you ever try
Do you think the teacher our homework by Monday morning?
Виберіть одну відповідь:
a. will mark
b. would mark
c. have marked
d. will have marked
Suddenly he that he was walking in the wrong direction.
Виберіть одну відповідь:
a. realized
b. realizes
c. had realized
d. was realizing
I opened the fridge to find someone all my chocolate.
Виберіть одну відповідь:
a. ate
b. eaten
c. has eaten
d. had eaten
Jack his arm when he fell off a horse in 2005.
Виберіть одну відповідь:
a. has broken
b. broke
c. was braking
d. did brake
The Rubik's Cube is Ben's favourite game.
- У Бена любимая игрушка - это Кубик Рубика.
1. There are six colours on the cube.
- Этот кубик имеет шесть цветов.
2. Ben does the cube in three minutes.
- Бен собирает кубик за три минуты.
3. Erno Rubik created the cube.
- Этот кубик создал Эрнё Рубик.
4. The game is very popular all over the world.
- Эта игрушка популярна во всём мире.
5. The cube starred in the Despicable Me 3 trailer.
- Этот кубик был снят в трейлере к мультфильму "Гадкий Я 3".
6. Ben wants to design new games.
- Бен хочет создавать новые игры.
7. Ben has got some ideas for games.
- У Бена есть несколько идей насчёт игр.