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41. this little device be the answer to all your technical problems. a) need b) could c) shall d) must 42. what you’re saying well be true. a) must b) should c) may d) have to 43. just in case you it, i’ll give you my business card so you can contact me. a) would find b) will find c) find d) can find 44. climbing in the himalayas was a far from hill walking at home in ireland. a) shout b) scream c) cry d) call 45. my bike isn’t what you would call fast or sporty, but it serves its a) purpose b) aim c) reason d) intention 46. rest assured that we have taken every possible safety a) protection b) preparation c) precaution d) action 47. they sell all sorts of household : washing machines, dishwashers and so on. a) machines b) mechanisms c) appliances d) gadgets 48. after just ten minutes in the rain, i to the skin. a) damp b) wet c) soaked d) slopped 49. ‘sorry mrs. atkins. i wasn’t attention,’ said billy. a) giving b) paying c) keeping d) having 50. every morning i see kids from the local football down by the river. a) taking b) enjoying c) playing d) running 51. john and mary, come over here. have you two before? a) yourselves b) each other c) together d) themselves 52. it’s quite expensive, the other hand it’s very good quality. a) on b) by c) in d) at 53. he is, he shouldn’t behave like that. a) no matter b) whoever c) at once d) who 54. you won’t tell anyone my a) do you? b) does you? c) will you? d) will be you? 55. it was a great holiday. we really a) ourselves b) us c) themselves d) herself 56. my car is easy to park. this, it doesn’t use much petrol. a) as well b) as well as c) as soon as d) at once 57. when i want i have a long, hot bath. a) relax b) relax me c) relax her d) relax him it’s getting late, let’s stop work now and come back tomorrow. a) as b) for c) by d) twice 59. i’d like to thank you all for coming. a) in conclusion b) in contrast c) in the end d) at last 60. i bought some flowers. a) myself b) me c) my d) i 61. the tree was about two meters wide because it was so old. a) twig b) trunk c) branch d) hand 62. flies were around the uncovered meat in the kitchen. a) buzzing b) barking c) galloping d) grunting 63. mary is always so – you always see her smiling and happy. a) fruitful b)sympathetic c) cheeky d) cheerful 64. i was when you came to see me in hospital because i was feeling a bit lonely. a) greedy b) grateful c) frank d) fruitful 65. chris uses an shaver when he goes on holiday. a) electric b) doctor c) teacher d) politician 66. point the to the place on the screen where you want to type, and then click. a) icon b) cursor c) mouse d) picture 67. the made a lot of buildings collapse and thousands of people were made homeless. a) cyclone b) invasion c) earthquake d) devastation 68. international is being sent to help the victims survive the winter. a) help b) charity c) organization d) aid 69. i broke my when i was young – my brother punched it! a) chin b) nose c) face d) head 70 anyone who has high should read this book. a) levels b) layers c) rates d) points

41. This little device ___ be the answer to all your technical problems. b) could42. What you’re saying well be true. c) may
43. Just in case you it, I’ll give you my business card so you can contact me. c) find
44. Climbing in the Himalayas was a far from hill walking at home in Ireland. c) cry
45. My bike isn’t what you would call fast or sporty, but it serves its __. a) purpose
46. Rest assured that we have taken every possible safety c) precaution
47. They sell all sorts of household : washing machines, dishwashers and so on. c) appliances
48. After just ten minutes in the rain, I was to the skin. c) soaked
49. ‘Sorry Mrs. Atkins. I wasn’t attention,’ said Billy. b) paying
50. Every morning I see kids from the local school football down by the river. c) playing
51. John and Mary, come over here. Have you two met before? b) each other
52. It’s quite expensive, but the other hand it’s very good quality. a) on
53. he is, he shouldn’t behave like that. b) Whoever
54. You won’t tell anyone my secret,__c) will you?
55. It was a great holiday. We really enjoyed__a) ourselves
56. My car is easy to park. this, it doesn’t use much petrol. b) As well as
57. When I want to I have a long, hot bath. a) relax
58. it’s getting late, let’s stop work now and come back tomorrow. a) As
59. , I’d like to thank you all for coming. a) In conclusion
60. I bought some flowers. a) myself
61. The tree was about two meters wide because it was so old. b) trunk
62. Flies were around the uncovered meat in the kitchen. a) buzzing
63. Mary is always so – you always see her smiling and happy. d) cheerful
64. I was when you came to see me in hospital because I was feeling a bit lonely. b) grateful
65. Chris uses an shaver when he goes on holiday. a) electric
66. Point the to the place on the screen where you want to type, and then click. b) cursor
67. The made a lot of buildings collapse and thousands of people were made homeless. c) earthquake
68. International is being sent to help the victims survive the winter.
d) aid
69. I broke my when I was young – my brother punched it! b) nose
70 Anyone who has high stress should read this book. a) levels
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He was sittig at a large ornate desk, but looked up as she came in and then got slowly to his feet.“Good morning. You wish to see me, I believe?” “Yes, my name is Petra Thornton, and I...” “Ah, yes, the young lady, who phoned yesterday. About a friend of yours, isn't it?” “Yes, it is about Sara.” “So?” “So where is she?” Carlo Berini frowned and then sat down again. “I believe, I told you at the time that I never heard of your friend. So why did you come here?”“Because I don't believe you.” He leanen forward. “You accuse me of lying?” “You should know whether you are lying or not. All I know is that Sara said she was going to Venice with you and a few days later she phoned to say that things didn't work out and she was  coming back to Paris. But she never arrived. And that was a week ago. So I came here to find her, because this is the last place I know that she was staying.”
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перевод на русс

Широко улыбаясь, имя1 пошло говорить, но его прервало знакомое лицо, нахлынувшее на них лицом, похожим на гром. имя3, казалось, все еще не отпускало его ненависть к имени1. По причинам, о которых имя2 даже не задумывалось, детектив, казалось, всегда пытался выяснить это для своего постоянного жителя. Насильственный купорос мужчины, который он часто извергал, отражал глубокую, укоренившуюся ненависть ко всем компаниям. Заметив, что детектив казался еще более расстроенным, чем обычно, имя2 поднялось на ноги, готовое защищать имя1 с мгновенным уведомлением.

Он гордился тем, что имя1 защищалось, но он также знал, что если имя3 станет слишком близко, дела пойдут под уклон быстрее, чем вы могли бы сказать, человек.

«Я верю, что в твоих интересах идти дальше», снова произнес имя1. «Это не закончится хорошо для вас.»

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