В 1887 новый язык был изобретён доктором Заменхольфом, который родился в Польше. Он прожил хорошую часть своей жизни в России. Тот новый язык был назван Эсперантом. Это была смесь ряда европейских языков и имел очень простую грамматику. Доктор Заменхоф верил во второй язык. Его было легко выучить и достаточно богат чтобы описать мнения и чувства. Но язык не был настолько популярным и успешным. Россия это единственная страна где Эсперанто до сих пор жив. На сегодняшний день малое количество людей в мире могут разговаривать на нём.
Australia is a paradoxical place, full of strange like nothing on things. To begin with, which is one of the oldest of the now existing continents of the world is one of the youngest countries. Moreover, it is the only country that occupies an entire continent and "by land" does not border any others. Comparable in area to Europe, Australia is the least populated part of the world, here in 1 square kilometer, there are 2.5 people. On the vast uninhabited landscape is home to the most ancient, almost unchanged for millions of years mammals are marsupials. Wild jungle surround the coastal areas and headlands on the southern tip of the mainland splashing penguins and seals swam here from the Antarctic... Generally speaking, the paradox of Australia "defined" by its location, residents of the North, because inevitably it seems that in the southern hemisphere's "reversed". Hence the nickname the Green continent — the land down under, "the earth is upside down". No, of course, people don't go to Australia upside down, but many things familiar to us, look here otherwise. The disc of the moon, for example, really seen "upside-down". June, July and August are officially called winter, December, January and February are summer. No wonder that in such a strange place when you move to the North becomes warmer and the South colder. Obeying the Coriolis force (deflecting force of the earth's rotation) , the water of rivers stronger tempted left banks, and eddies and ocean currents spin clockwise.
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