1) In the 1970s TV technologies were developed very fast.
2) Nowadays a lot of TV and radio programmers are devoted to politics.
3) In the future new TV stations will be built in Russia.
4) The BBC was founded in the nineteen twenties.
5) The Internet can be used in many ways.
6) The BBC is known as the best non-commercial television and radio system.
7) More and more people will be taught with the help of television and the Internet in the future.
8) Out lived will be dominated by the Internet in the future.
9) The modern idea of radio was developed by many individuals-inventors, engineers, businessmen of the previous centuries.
10) A global system of interconnected computer networks is called the Internet.
Наизусть, как стишок. Выберите какое-то количество(20, например, каждую неделю)
Написание- перепишите минимум 5 раз каждую связку, с переводом. Визуально запомните правописание.
Проверяйте себя. Закрывайте 2 и 3 формы и пытайтесь вспомнить их,или письмом или проговаривайте и смотрите, правильно или нет.
И повторяйте каждый день в течение недели, как мантру.
Можете найти аудио, и прослушивать постоянно, повторяя за говорящим.
А вообще, они со временем автоматически заучиваются, когда их постоянно в тексте видишь или строишь предложения и смотришь их формы.
2. Sorry I'm late. I've been to the library.
3. Did you get any replies to the advert?
4. Chips are bad for your health!
5. He's spoken Spanish since he was six.
6. I have seen a few of my classmates outside the museum this morning.
7. How much did you pay for that?