Where was the first dinosaur bone found? where were a lot of fossils of nests eggs and babies found? where was the dinosaurs 8 cm-long tooth found? where was the smallest dinosaur found? where was the second biggest dinosaur found?
15) He heard the chairman called his name. 16) He felt the building shaking (jitter) from the blast. 17) We have heard how they have fun laughing in the next room. 18) I noticed that she was the last. 19) I saw that he got up from his chair and walked to the window. 20) The boy's mother watched her little boy brushing his teeth. 21) He watched as mom washes the dishes. 22) We have seen that they are slowly approaching. 23) We have seen that they are sleeping. 24) He noticed that she shivered. 25) I heard him playing the violin. 26) We have heard him speak to her in French
In my opinion, primary school is better place for learning English language than secondary school. Some experts claim that childen between 4-9 years old have great opportunity to learn new languages. These ages play important role in childrens' building character and developing their personality. Also child's carefree mind can catch more points of English in this level. And experts' studies show that pupils who started to learn English language in secondary school speak good English. But those children who started to learn it in primary school have better English skills. But the most important role, of course, play teachers. Their methods and the whole school atmosphere.
Где было много окаменелостей из гнезд яйца и младенцев нашли?
Где динозавры 8 см длиной зуба нашли?
Где был самый маленький динозавр нашли?
Где был второй по величине динозавра нашли?
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