Таким образом, предлагается выполнить упражнение, связанное с аудированием. Вам нужно прослушать пять человек, говорящих на записи, и для каждого говорящего написать слово или фразу из упражнения "Wordpower!" номер 1.
Для этого, вам необходимо следовать следующим шагам:
1. Проиграйте запись с аудиофайлом. Внимательно слушайте каждого говорящего.
2. Прослушайте первого говорящего и обратите внимание на ключевые слова или фразы, которые он произносит. Определите, какое из слов или фраз в упражнении "Wordpower!" номер 1 наиболее точно отражает то, о чем говорит первый говорящий. Напишите это слово или фразу рядом с "Speaker 1".
3. Повторите этот процесс для каждого из оставшихся говорящих. Прослушайте каждого и определите подходящее слово или фразу из упражнения "Wordpower!" номер 1 для каждого из них. Напишите это слово или фразу рядом с номером соответствующего говорящего.
4. После того, как вы прослушали всех говорящих и написали соответствующие слова или фразы для каждого из них, убедитесь, что ответы корректны и полны.
5. Перечитайте все записанные вами слова и фразы, чтобы проверить их точность и уверенность в своих ответах.
6. Сравните свои написанные слова и фразы с упражнением "Wordpower!" номер 1. Убедитесь, что они совпадают или близки к ответам в упражнении.
7. При необходимости, переслушайте запись, чтобы проверить или скорректировать свои ответы.
The correct answer is "Does she visit her grandma every Saturday?" because in this sentence we are referring to a singular third person subject (she) and the verb needs to be conjugated accordingly using the auxiliary verb "does" followed by the base form of the main verb "visit."
Is - you - playing
The correct answer is "Are you playing computer games right now?" because in this sentence we are referring to a second person subject (you) and the verb needs to be conjugated accordingly using the auxiliary verb "are" followed by the present participle form of the main verb "playing."
Doesn't like - my brother - geography
The correct answer is "My brother doesn't like geography." because in this sentence we are referring to a singular third person subject (my brother) and the verb needs to be conjugated accordingly using the auxiliary verb "doesn't" followed by the base form of the main verb "like."
Aren't fighting - we - at the moment
The correct answer is "We aren't fighting at the moment." because in this sentence we are referring to a first person plural subject (we) and the verb needs to be conjugated accordingly using the auxiliary verb "aren't" followed by the base form of the main verb "fight."
Does - your father - work
The correct answer is "Does your father work in a factory?" because in this sentence we are referring to a singular third person subject (your father) and the verb needs to be conjugated accordingly using the auxiliary verb "does" followed by the base form of the main verb "work."
Isn't learning - she - English
The correct answer is "She isn't learning English at the moment." because in this sentence we are referring to a singular third person subject (she) and the verb needs to be conjugated accordingly using the auxiliary verb "isn't" followed by the present participle form of the main verb "learning."
Do - they - get up
The correct answer is "What time do they get up?" because in this sentence we are referring to a plural third person subject (they) and the verb needs to be conjugated accordingly using the auxiliary verb "do" followed by the base form of the main verb "get up."
Don't take - I - the dog for a walk
The correct answer is "I don't take the dog for a walk every day." because in this sentence we are referring to a first person singular subject (I) and the verb needs to be conjugated accordingly using the auxiliary verb "don't" followed by the base form of the main verb "take."
Do - they - live
The correct answer is "Where do they live? In a house or a flat?" because in this sentence we are referring to a plural third person subject (they) and the verb needs to be conjugated accordingly using the auxiliary verb "do" followed by the base form of the main verb "live."
Isn't - Bill - running
The correct answer is "Bill isn't running now." because in this sentence we are referring to a singular third person subject (Bill) and the verb needs to be conjugated accordingly using the auxiliary verb "isn't" followed by the base form of the main verb "running."