sebastian was born on july 3, 1987 in heppenheim, germany. he was the third child in the family, his older sisters name is melanie and stephanie, and younger brother, fabian. according to him, he said in an interview, he was awful in high school, and his childhood idols were "three of michael," schumacher, jackson and jordan. vettel wanted to become a singer, but quickly realized that he had no voice, and broke up with this dream [2]. he currently lives in switzerland, amongst other riders and is a fan of the german soccer team "eintracht"
vettel started racing in karting in 1995, he won several titles, for example, in the junior karting championship in monaco (2001). in 2003, he moved to a series of cars with open wheels and won the championship of the german formula bmw, won 18 victories in 20 races.
he was confirmed as a test driver for bmw sauber in 2007 [8] and went on to act in the world series by renault, where he won his first victory at the legendary nürburgring. he led the championship before permanently move to formula 1, and was replaced by michael ammermyuller.
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себастьян родился 3 июля 1987 года в городе хеппенхайм, германия. он был третьим ребёнком в семье, его старших сестер зовут мелани и стефани, а младшего брата фабиан. по его словам, сказанным в интервью, он ужасно учился в школе, а его кумирами детства были «три майкла»: шумахер, джексон и джордан. феттель хотел стать певцом, но быстро осознал, что у него нет голоса, и расстался с этой мечтой[2]. в настоящее время живёт в швейцарии среди других гонщиков и является поклонником футбольной команды «айнтрахт» феттель начал участие в гонках с картинга в 1995 году, стал обладателем нескольких чемпионских титулов, например, в чемпионате юниоров по картингу в монако (2001). в 2003 году он перешёл в серии болидов с открытыми колёсами и выиграл чемпионат формулы-бмв, одержав 18 побед в 20 гонках. он был подтверждён в качестве тест-пилота bmw sauber в 2007 году[8] и продолжил выступать в мировой серии рено, где он одержал свою первую победу на легендарной трассе нюрбургринг. он лидировал в чемпионате перед тем как насовсем перейти в формулу-1, и на его место пришёл михаэль
while there is a shift in gender roles especially at the work place, at home, the standard kenyan family remains the same: the man goes to work and socialises with his friends while the woman takes care of the household.
however, the findings of a new study suggest that if we want to reduce divorce rates, we need to turn things around. if your man is the typical kenyan man who sits back while you do all the cleaning, then it is time to change things up. apparently, bringing equality to the home is what will keep a couple married for longer.
researchers from stockholm university in sweden studied 3,500 individuals to determine whether distribution of labour at home has an effect on marital satisfaction and stability. they found that women who did most of the housework were deeply unhappy in their relationships and were more likely to dump their partners than women whose partners shared housework with them.
interestingly, even the men in relationships where women did all then housework were dissatisfied. the unhappiest couples were those where the man thought that he was helping around the house but the women felt that she was doing the bulk of it alone.
the researchers thus concluded that a relationship was doomed to fail if one partner took on the extra burden of the housework.
the researchers reckon that if a couple unequally distributes house hold chores, then it definitely reflects badly on the relationship. dividing the house work equally, on the other hand, brings in a sense of stability and happiness. if a woman does the bulk of the housework, then the least a man can do is admit it, or the inequality will have an even stronger negative effect on the relationship.
in a world where both genders are burdened with things that need to be done, the researchers see sharing house chores as a sign of caring for a relationship and for one’s partner.
for happy, long-lasting unions, the researchers recommend that couples share housework equally and if not, then the party that does the least around the house should acknowledge it.
you will live? Within three minutes of recording in a notebook as much as possible the prediction of his life 20 years later. English writing.