книга про Гарри Поттера
Читая «Гарри Поттера», я понял, что друг будет с тобой даже когда нет шансов на победу.Сцена, где Рон руководит шахматной игрой, потрясла меня. Уизли рисковал жизнью. Гермиона сначала показалась мне зазнайкой.Я бы хотел найти друзей, как у Гарри.
book about Harry Potter
Reading Harry Potter, I realized that a friend would be with you even when there was no chance of winning. The scene where Ron leads the chess game shocked me. Weasley risked his life. Hermione at first seemed to me insignificant. I would like to find friends like Harry.
1. He always washes his hands before eating.
2. Children run in the yard for 3 hours.
3. She is always fussing and it irritates people.
4. I have never spent holidays abroad.
5. The entire class is now writing an essay about the book they read.
6. I Wake up early in the morning, take a cold shower and go to work.
7. the Ivanovs have been traveling in Europe for a week. They're thrilled.
8. work in the office begins at 9 am.
9. The ice cream melts in the sun.
10. She has already read the original book.
11. The wind is blowing stronger and stronger.
12. Mom will cook dinner tonight.
13. She learned English 2 hours ago.
14. He took a cold shower, drank a Cup of coffee, and ran to work.
15. my friends were flying a kite while I was riding my bike.
16. When Tom crossed the street, he fell in a puddle.
17. The plane took off at 5 o'clock.
18. He was happy because he had repaired the car.
19. when the teacher entered the classroom, the students waited for him for an hour.
20. He will join us when we go out of town.
21. Look! He's going to clean his room.
22. They will spend their holidays at home.
23. Tickets will be sold later.
24. Tea was served at 5 o'clock.
25. English is spoken all over the world.
26. He said that he has known the Smiths for 2 years.
27. We knew that they lived far from the city center.
28. She promised that she would bring the book tomorrow.
29. I didn't understand. Should I go to the store?
30. Stray dogs can bite your child
смешная.И кто ваш любимый человек, Дима?
Стив. Потому что он внимательный и надежный.
И кто тебе больше нравится, Наташа?
Мне нравится Венди,потому что она веселая.
Так что два человека в нашей группе, как Венди лучши