1. If you have toothache, go to the dentist. - Если у тебя болит зуб, иди к стоматологу.
2. If Peter does lots of exercise he'll be fit and healthy. - Если Петр будет делать много упраждений, он будет в хорошей форме и будет здоровым.
позвони мне, если тебе будет нужна
4. Will Sarah be angry if we don't go to her party? - Сара рассердится, если мы не придем на ее вечеринку?
5. Cathy will be able to go on holiday if she saves enough money. - Каси сможет поехать в отпуск, если накопит денег.
6. Unless it rains we'll go for a walk. - Если не будет дождя, мы пойдем гулять.
7. If you work hard you may be promoted. - Если ты будешь усердно трудиться, тебя могут повысить.
8. Will you give me a call if you have time tomorrow? - Ты позвонишь мне, если у тебя будет время завтра?
9. If you don't do your homework I won't let you watch TV. - Если ты не сделаешь уроки, я не разрешу тебе смотреть телевизор.
10. Mary won't go to Australia unless I pay for her tickets. - Мария не поедет в австралию, если не оплачу ее билет.
11. If he arrives on time we'll have dinner before we go out. - Если он приедет вовремя, мы пообедаем перед тем, как уйти.
He asked me for some tea. That was about nine o' clock. I was watching a rather exciting film, so I told Lucy to take it to him.
At quarter past nine Doctor Emerson called. I expected him to come earlier. I answered the front door bell. Trevor noticed the time because we were shouting in his study. He and Lucy obviously were having a serious row. So I took the Doctor into the sitting-room for a moment. Then Trevor stopped shouting. I guessed Lucy went out by the back door. Doctor Emerson went to the study. I think he wanted to persuade Trevor to go into hospital for some tests, but Trevor did not want to go. I heard my husband shouting again several times over the next twenty minutes. He called Emerson an ignorant country doctor and later he said something like, 'There's nothing you can do!' I think Lucy came back into the house while the doctor was still talking to Trevor. I heard the front door bang during a moment of quiet when Trevor was not shouting. I was tired and fed up, and went to my bedroom soon after that. My sister phoned and we were talking for ages. Itold her that I had decided to leave Trevor.