my favorite sport is weightlifting. Because this is a huge chance to become strong, beautiful, and healthy. In weightlifting, we swing our arms by lifting heavy dumbbells, swing our abs, and much more. do more sports and you will always be strong
мой любимый вид спорта это тяжёлая атлетика. Потому что это огромный шанс стать сильным, красивым, и здоровым . На тяжёлой атлетике мы качаем руки поднимая тяжёлые гантели , качаем пресс и многое другое. занимайтесь спортом попольше и будете всегда силными
Wont she find a new job?
Wont she find a new job or new house
What wont she do?
2) They will need some paper,wont they
Will they need some paper?
Will they need any paper or pen?
What will they need?
3) This letter was for John, wasn’t it
Was this letter for jonh?
Was this letter for jonh or for kate?
for Whom was this letter?
4) The tall girl is translating the article, isn’t she
Is the tall girl translating the article
Is the tall girl translating the article or reading the book?
What is doing the tall girl?