It is sunday today. the day is sunny. alex and kim are at the beach. their friends are not with them. ann is at home. dan is at the playground. tom is not at the playground. he is at the cinema. написати цей текст у минулому неозначеному часі.
It was Sunday yesterday. The day was sunny. Alex and Kim were at the beach. Their friends were not with them. Ann was at home. Dan was at the playground. Tom was not at the playground. He was in the cinema.
It was Sunday yesterday. The day was sunny. Alex and Kim were at the beach. Their friends were not with them. Ann was at home. Dan was at the playground. Tom was not at the playground. He was at the cinema.
Английский становится таким важным,потому что Америка-прогрессивная страна,даже,можно сказать,сверхдержава,а русский сложен для иностранцев. Я хотел бы выучить английский и китайский языки. Они наиболее распространены в деловых отношениях,а сейчас на этом строится весь мир. Повторюсь,русский язык очень сложен для иностранцев. Что касается,например,английского,то это неоднозначность слов,ведь русский язык,по моему мнению,для выражения эмоций,а английский не слишком для этого при в нем,как я считаю,даже слова "happy"(счастливый,радостный) и "hungry" (голодный) звучат одинаково сухо,хоть и имеют абсолютно разный смысл. И,конечно же,на это затрачивается много времени и сил,но при желании это-не беда.
Past Simple : 1.I went to the shop yesterday. Did you go to the shop yesterday? 2.I watched TV yesterday. Did you watch TV yesterday? 3.He took the book from the library yesterday. Did he take the book from the library? 4.She went to the cinema yesterday. Did she go to the cinema yesterday? 5.They went to the swimming-pool yesterday. Did they go to the swimming-pool yesterday? Past Continues: 1.He was reading a book at three o'clock yesterday. Was he reading a book at three o'clock yesterday? 2. When i came home my mother was cooking . Was my mother cooking when I came home ? 3.When I arrived they were waiting for me . Were they waiting for me when I arrived? 4.My father was reading a newspaper at four o'clock yesterday. Was your father reading a newspaper at four o'clock ? 5.My mother was reading a book at eleven o'clock yesterday. Was your mother reading a book at eleven o'clock yesterday?