Поставьте глагол в скобках в необходимое время: 1. i (to meet) him last year. 2. he (to invite) to dinner by his parents yesterday. 3. i (to do) my homework by the time you come tomorrow 4. it (to snow) hard tomorrow
Александр Грейам Белл является изобретателем телефона. Он родился в Эдинбурге, в Шотландии.о образованию Белл не был ни инженером-электриком, ни физиком. Он начал учителя музыки и ораторского искусства, позднее стал работать с людьми, страдавшими дефектами речи, потерявшими слух.Но вскоре Белл меняет направление деятельности и начинает работать над созданием телеграфа, с которого можно было бы одновременно передавать несколько текстов. В работе по созданию телеграфа случайность Беллу открыть явление, которое обернулось изобретением телефона.Сочинение на русском языке!Не получилось(
А вот на английском:Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. He was born in Edinburgh in Shotlandii.o education Bell was neither an electrical engineer or a physicist. He started as an assistant teacher of music and oratory, and later began working with people with speech disabilities who have lost sluh.No Bell soon changes direction and starts to work on the development of the telegraph, through which could be simultaneously transmit multiple texts. The work on the creation of the telegraph accident helped Bella discover a phenomenon that turned invention of the telephone.
Tourism is an important part of life in modern America . Every year millions of tourists from all over the world come to the United States : one - to look at New York City from the observation deck of the Empire State Building and see some classic musical on Broadway , someone - sunbathing on the sandy beaches of Florida , someone - reckless plunge into the nightlife of Las Vegasa.Nyu York, Los Angeles, Miami ... these people know the city in almost all countries mira.Takie Attraction U.S. as the Statue of Liberty , Avenue of Stars in Hollywood have long been symbols for millions of people of the United States . almost impossible to tell you about all the attractions of the United States of America - and it skyscrapers and monuments , and museums , and national parks , nature reserves, and educational institutions , and research centers , and casinos , and much, much, much more ...