Society in the country I arbitrarily divide into the following sections:
The first layer - the elite: the representatives of big business, officials in key positions from the president to the director of baths and prismykayuschie them. There are about, I think 10%. Revenues cream of society are tens and hundreds of millions of rubles.
The second layer - predstavilei small business, oil companies, government officials, in general, those who are well settled in life, it is now possible to add on the military and the police. They say - 20%.
Thus, 30% of our population satisfied with their lives and do not want change, they vote for the ruling party and will likely vote for Vladimir Putin.
Now the third layer - it is all we are: government employees, farmers, unemployed, students and pensioners. We have a lot of 70% and we want to live better, but we can not in any way affect the authority, for the following reasons:
Half of the 70% are indifferent to politics "nothing will change", "eat there all right, but there is no war," etc.
More than half of the remaining half want change, but are afraid to speak out against the government, teachers are afraid that they will cut, seniors are afraid for their children and grandchildren.
And here is about 5-10% of people. It's rebels, who are actively fighting for their rights and the rights of their fellow citizens. Recent events show that they are becoming larger.
Whiston Churchill said, "School teachers have the power, of which the Prime Minister can only dream of."
By what authority can have now a beggar, frightened, lost credibility teacher? What would you do if you ordered from the top go to the rally in support of the ruling party in exchange for a weekend and awards?
2. Pre-school education in England begins at the age of 3 or 4.
3. Compulsory primary education begins at the age of five in England, Wales and Scotland and at four in Northern Ireland.
4. Children start their school career in an in fant school. Lessons start at 9 a.m. and are over at 4 p.m. They are taught «3 R's»: Reading» wRiting, aRithme-tic. Pupils have a lot of fun at school, drawing, reading, dancing or singing.
5. The most Public schools in England are Eton, Harrow, Winchester, Rugby.
6. The majority of secondary schools are Comprehensive schools where boys and girls study together. Besides, parents can take their sons and daughters to Grammar schools or Secondary Modem Schools. Grammar schools provide an academic course from 11 to 18. They prepare pupils for colleges and universities.
7. Many children of working class families go to Modern schools. They give a very limited education. Pupils get instruction in woodwork, metalwork, sewing, shorthand, typing and cooking. After finishing such a school a pupil becomes an unskilled worker.
8. No. Every pupil has to choose a set of subjects to learn.
9. At around 16 years old teenagers take some exams and coursework to get General Certificate of Education. Those who choose to stay on at school usually study for two further years to pass A level (Advanced level) ex-ms. These exams will give them a chance to enter the university.