If I Was On A Desert Island. It Seems To Me, To Get On A Desert Island Dreams Of Almost Every Student. This Is A Great Opportunity To Test Their Strength Of Spirit, Ability To Cope With Unexpected Difficulties To Live Undependently. I Would Like To Turn Briefly To The Unexplored Land, One In The Wild. I Would Definitely Take With You Matches Flashlight, Blankets And Camp Pad, Pocket Knife, Canned Food, Bait, Compass And Many Other Objects That Live On The Island Much Easier.
Надеюсь я вам Текст я сама придумала :-(! Удачи вам в учёбе :-).
J:Hi, ask Fiona to come to the telephone
A:Wait for a minute. i'll call her
J: Hi Fiona. I'm Jack
F: oh, Hi, Jack. How are you?
J: Fine thanks, I am calling to say that I might be half an hour late today
F:ok no problem. Thanks for calling . Bye
J: Byu