Составте по 2 предложения в present simple, present continuous, past simple, future simple и от каждого предложения образуйте 2 формы - отрицательное предложение и вопросительное предложение! всего предложений ! !
1) I like apples. I don't like apples. He reads books every day. He doesn't read books every day. 2) I am writing a letter now. I am not writing a letter now, (I am reading) She is eating a sandwich at the moment. She is not eating a sandwich at the moment. 3) I went to the cineme last night. I did not go to the cinema last night. They did their chores yesterday. They did not do their chores yesterday. 4) Sara will go to the country next week. Sara won't go to the country next week. My granny will read this article tomorrow. My granny won't read this article tomorrow. 5) Do I like apples? Why don't you like apples? Does he read books every day? Why doesn't he read books every day? 6) Am I writing a letter now? Why am I not writing a letter now? Is she eating a sandwich at the moment? Why isn't she eating a sandwich at the moment? 7) Did I go to the cinema last night? Why didn't I go to the cinema last night? What did they do yesterday? Why didn't they do their chores? 8) Will sara go to the country next week? Why sara won't go to the country next week? What will my Granny read tomorrow? My granny won't read this article tomorrow, will she?
Какого типа? 1) Есть конфликты между "отцами и детьми" (конфликт поколений) . Когда интересы ребёнка вызывают острое непонимание со стороны родителей. Ребёнку интересен определённый стиль в одежде или направление в музыке, а родители считают это какой-то "чертовщиной". Ребёнок из-за этого начинает ещё активнее бунтовать, в результате вся квартира оказывается обклеена постерами Мэрилина Мэнсона, а родители эти постеры каждый день выкидывают в пачками. 2) Есть конфликты, возникающие из-за проживания под одно крышей нескольких семей. Когда, допустим, живут родители и двое взрослых детей (со своими семьями) . Получается, что на кухне три хозяйки. Тоже чревато конфликтами: кто плиту занял, кто продукты съел, кто в ванне долго сидит и т. д. 3) Конфликты между мужем и женой. Кто читал "Кентервильское приведение", тот помнит, за что призрак убил собственную жену: "Она была дурна собой и совершенно не умела готовить... ". Его, кстати, потом заморили голодом братья убиенной жены. Тоже своеобразный конфликт между родственниками. 4) Бывают конфликты между детьми. Старший считает (а может так оно и есть) , что младшего любят больше: младшему всё покупают, всё прощают, больше с ним общаются. А со старшего требуют только заботиться о младшем. В результате старший ревнует и срывается на младшем. Да и родителям достаётся. 5) Бывают конфликты из-за денег. Наследство, прописка в квартире, дачный участок.
The scout movement — world youth movement, engaged in physical, spiritual and mental development of young people so that young people can take a constructive place in society. This is achieved by non-formal education with emphasis on practical action in the open air, called the scout method. Scout organization is voluntary, apolitical, independent. The word scout (Engl. scout) translates to English as "the scout". Therefore, the scouting is also sometimes called razvedchitsa. International and long distance scout gatherings are held every 3-4 years, and are called
He reads books every day. He doesn't read books every day.
2) I am writing a letter now. I am not writing a letter now, (I am reading)
She is eating a sandwich at the moment. She is not eating a sandwich at the moment.
3) I went to the cineme last night. I did not go to the cinema last night.
They did their chores yesterday. They did not do their chores yesterday.
4) Sara will go to the country next week. Sara won't go to the country next week.
My granny will read this article tomorrow. My granny won't read this article tomorrow.
5) Do I like apples? Why don't you like apples?
Does he read books every day? Why doesn't he read books every day?
6) Am I writing a letter now? Why am I not writing a letter now?
Is she eating a sandwich at the moment? Why isn't she eating a sandwich at the moment?
7) Did I go to the cinema last night? Why didn't I go to the cinema last night?
What did they do yesterday? Why didn't they do their chores?
8) Will sara go to the country next week? Why sara won't go to the country next week?
What will my Granny read tomorrow? My granny won't read this article tomorrow, will she?