1) Twenty years ago, school life used to be much interesting. 2) Twenty years ago, school programs used to be different. 3) Twenty years ago, school life used to have other subjects. 4) Twenty years ago, students used to wear different clothes as from now. 5) Twenty years ago, teachers used to be more strict. 6) Twenty years ago, there used to be no gadgets. 7) Twenty years ago, there used to be no gymnasiums. 8) Twenty years ago, students used to get more knowledge. 9) Twenty years ago, students used to come to the 2 lesson. 10) Twenty years ago, students used to be more polite, than now.
Our neighbors are angry because was stolen their car last night. Their притяжательное. Sydney is famous for its the opera house. Its притяжательное. Oliver has got two sisters. His older sister is married. His притяжательное Paul and Mike have known each other for 10 years. Each other взаимное местоимение. We haven't got any bread. Can you buy it? Any неопределенное. It личное Please don't tell nobody about letter. It's a secret. Nobody неопределенное How much water do you drink every day? Much количественное. This is expensive in this shop. This указательное