In Russia, a lot of wonderful and most interesting places. The best place - it is in Norway. There's auroras occur, they come in different colors and not everyone will fall to see them. Or bays - fjords, they are so beautiful and right next to the water are houses, shops, buildings and cafes. In Norway, the Vikings lived, about the Vikings so many stories. They were very poor and therefore robbed drugmh Vikings to become a little bit richer. On the streets there are trolls in Norway, and in fact that was the story in Norway were trolls. There is a story. That's what "The man gave gifts to all cities and Norwegians want himself more present and prior to their present when they have presented a gift, they gave him a potion by drinking it he thought he had forgotten to give gifts to Norway and so he erased the memory and has got all the best Norwegians . Norwegians respect their traditions, such as some kind of folk festival all dressed in the same suit. Norwegians have beautiful sweaters and if there comes a cold winter, they put on a sweater and a walk. They have a saying, "There is no bad weather , only bad clothing. Norway, the best place in Russia!
1. Lost! small beautiful black cat. She has ' Twinkle ' on her name tag.2. Large metal grey desk for sale. Only £ 30. 3. live music at Finn's Bar. Two new Irish entertaining bands will play from 10 till late. Tickets on the door - £ 5. 4. Do you want to learn Spanish? Qualified Spanish teacher gives individual lessons. Phone Carmen 01226708934. 5.Child's plastic colourful chair for sale. Phone 278118. 6. found on the wall by the bus stop in Church Street - pair of Large plastic black glasses. 7. Do you need help with your gardening? young german friendly student is looking for part - time work. 8. Large single room available in shared house. Call Sandy on 077982245631.
1. Friendship brings a lot of happiness to me. Дружба приносит мне много счастья. 2. I accidently broke a vase. Я случайно разбил вазу. 3. She was choosing between dress and skirt for a long time. Она долго выбирала между платьем и юбкой. 4. I have to come earlier today. Сегодня я должен прийти раньше. 5. I usually do my homework at evening. Обычно я делаю уроки вечером. 6. Is he driving his car at the moment? он сейчас едет на своей машине? 7. She feels a surge of strength. Она чувствует прилив сил. 8. we forgot to be smeared with cream and burnt. Мы забыли намазаться кремом и обгорели. 9. Can you give this book to me? не мог бы ты дать мне эту книгу? 10. I will go home at 17:00. Я пойду домой в 17:00. 11. I know nothing about your sister. я ничего не знаю о твоей сестре. 12. This Castle was built more than 100 years ago. Этот замок был построен более 100 лет назад.