1. I had to have a break. I had been driving so long.
2. Before we parked our car we had collected the ticket.
3. I arrived on Sunday. I had not been at home for two days.
4. The roads were blocked in the morning. It had been snowing all night.
5. They got to the beach after they had been walking for hours.
6. She called the police when she had seen the light in the hall.
7. His English was perfect. He had been studying it since he started school.
8. I was really hungry. I had not eaten anything since the morning.
9. She didn't go to work. She had caught a cold.
10. When we moved to Park Street, the Johnsons had been living there for ages.
Підсумкова оцінка за одиницю 5-6 (Всього 14)
5 клас
1 Заповніть: не було / не було (не було / не було (не було / не було).
вони в театрі минулої ночі?
Анна Павлова живописець? Ні.
3 Ми
вчора в школі. Це була субота!
Ван бойовик по телевізору вчора ввечері, але це
дуже добре
5 Гері
дуже короткий, коли він ...
в кіно багато людей? Зараз
2 Заповніть прогалини минулими простими формами дієслів у дужках.
7 Фільм
(початок) о 8:00.
8 Шекспір
(багато) Енн Хетеуей у 1582 році.
9 Моне
(не / фарба) 'Герніка'. Пікассо
(розфарбувати) його
10 Бетховен
(у прямому ефірі) з 1770 по 1827 рік.
11 Ми
(не / дивитись) телевізор учора ввечері. Ми
(слухати музику.
3 Напишіть запитання та відповіді, як у прикладі.
e Судити / фарбувати кухню / вчора? (Вітальня)
Сью вчора фарбувала кухню? Ні, вона цього не зробила. Вона намалювала живе
12 Сем і Джулі / готують вечерю / вчора ввечері? (замовити винос)
13 Ви з Беном дивитесь фільм жахів / у кінотеатрі? (комедія)
14 Саллі / відвідати / її тітку / в суботу? (її бабуся і дідусь
I enjoyed the journey from Kansas City to here. I had taken the Greyhound bus and met some really interesting people – everybody was really friendly.
So now I'm here, and I`ll have been staying here for a few days before I continue up to Canada. I'm not sure exactly when I`ll get to Winnipeg – it depends what happens while I am here. But I let you know as soon as I know myself.
I`m staying with a family here – they're friends of some people I know at home. Tomorrow we`ll visit some people they know who has built a house in the mountains. It isn't finished yet, but it`ll be interesting to see what it's like.
Anyway, that's all for now. I`ll be in touch again soon.