Around people there is a whole bunch of associations of people with the same interests. In my opinion, having a hobby is the right thing to do. No hobbies - there is emptiness. And emptiness always strives to be filled. And filled with all sorts of unnecessary and sometimes harmful things. Hobbies are different. There are hobbies based on collecting. You can collect everything: stamps, rare coins, lighters, figurines of some characters. Collecting is a very rewarding activity. It helps people develop memory, thinking outside the box.
I think hobbies help people learn a lot. Patience, diligence, craftsmanship. Ability to communicate with other people. Therefore, I think that everyone should have a hobby. For example, my favorite sport is cycling, a very interesting, educational sport)
Summer is a wonderful time!This is my favorite time of year, because in the summer there is no school and it is warm outside. Usually in the summer I wake up late,go to the kitchen and have breakfast. Then I go for a walk with my friends. After lunch, I go to get new knowledge by reading books. In the evening, my parents and I often go for a walk in the park,as there are few people and very beautiful landscapes. At the end of the day, I take a bath and go to bed!
Лето-прекрасная пора!Это мое любимое время года,потому что летом нету школы и на улице тепло. Обычно летом я просыпаюсь поздно,иду на кухню и завтракаю. Дальше иду гулять со своими друзьями. После обеда я иду получать новые знания читая книги. Вечером мы с родителями часто ходим гулять в парк,так как там немного людей и очень красивые пейзажи. В конце дня я принимаю ванну и ложусь спать!
He wasn't a teacher. Он не был учителем.