Wasabi is an amazing comedy drama (2001). This film is directed by Gerard Kravchik. The main roles were played by: Jean Reno, Ryoko Hurosue, Michelle Muller.
Brief plot
The French police inspectors were summoned to Japan, where, under unknown circumstances, a beautiful Japanese woman, whom he loved, died. In Japan, he learns that he has a 20-year-old daughter.
The acting in this movie is amazing, the heroes have amazing costumes. Many different special effects and unreal scenes.
This is a fantastic movie and it will take your breath away. It is suitable for both adults and children. I definitely recommend watching it.
Вот перевод:)
Я вчера взял сына после работы в магазин на улице Арбат чтобы купить новое пальто.Мы увидели очень много пальто в магазине.Нам понравилось два из них,но один был маленьким для сына, и мы взяли другой.Это было хорлшее коричневое пальто для пятнадцатилетнего мальчика.Потом мы пошли в другой магазин и купили игрушку для второго сына,книгу из картинок для младшей дочери.Также я взял хорошие вещи для жены.Когда мы пришли домой ребята взяли коробки и открыли.Им очень понравилось игрушка и книга.Дочка которая любит покупать сказала: мы должны пойти еще с мамой в какой то день.И купить новую шляпу папе и новую рубашку для Питера.
Thanks for your letter. You ask me what I am going to do on this weekend.
Well, on Saturday we are going to visit our Granny who lives in the country.
There is a river not far from her house and I am going to swim and dive there
with my sister. After dinner we are going for a walk in the forest to look for berries and mushrooms. In the evening we will return home and I'll play computer games. On Sunday my friend Sasha has a birthday party. My friends and I are going to visit Sasha. We are going to give her our birthday presents. We will dance, sing songs, listen to music. We'll have fun! And we'll have tea with a cake of course. In the evening I'll go for a walk with my friends. That's all for now. Keep in touch.
Best wishes,
(Вместо Lena - ваше имя без точки на конце)