1. Where is the book? – It is on... the table. 2. Where is the tea? — It is .in.. the cup. 3. Put the plates on... the table. 4. Put the book into... the bag. 5. There is a beautiful picture on... the wall. 6. I like to sit .on.. the sofa .in.. my room. 7. Mother is cooking dinner in... the kitchen. 8. There are many people in ... the park today. 9. There is a girl standing on... the bridge. 10. There is no tea in ... my cup. 11. Put these flowers .on.. the window-sill. 12. I see many people on ... the platform waiting for the train. 13. The teacher is hanging a picture on ... the blackboard. 14. The student is writing some words on... the blackboard. There are some books and pens on... the teacher's table. There are two maps on ... the wall and some flowers on... the window-sills. I see a pen on... the floor. I pick it up and put it on... the table
1. Go to the board. 2. Write the number on the chalkboard. 3. Hang the painting on the board. 4. She pours water into a vase and places flowers in it. Then she walks over to the windowsill and places the vase on the windowsill. 4. The teacher stands at the blackboard. He writes an example on the board. Students are sitting at their desks. They write this example in their notebooks. 5. Where is your pen? - It's in my pocket. 6. Put the handkerchief in your pocket. 7. He jumps into the river and swims quickly to the bridge.
Он пришел к выводу, взять долго кредит.
2. When supplied г)обстоятельство by famous companies the shop could attract many customers.
При поставках от известных компаний, магазин может привлечь много клиентов.
3. The holders of the shares formed a)простое сказуемое the ownership of the company.
Держатели акций составляли коллектив собственников компании.
4. Each share is represented a)простое сказуемое by a stock certificate.
Каждая акция представляет собой фондовый сертификат.
5. The amount of risk involved б) определение is also an important factor.
Размер существующей опасности также является важным фактором.