1.+ Everybody is looking for this file now.
- Everybody is not looking for this file now.
? Is Everybody looking for this file now?
Все ищут этот файл.
2.+ Our film need technical aids.
-Our film does not need technical aids.
? Does our film need technical aids?
Нашему фильму нужны технические средства.
3. +these drafts must be presented not later than March 25.
-these drafts must not be presented not later than March 25.
? must these drafts be presented not later than March 25?
эти проекты должны быть представлены не позднее 25 марта.
4. +Our new secretary speaks 2 foreign languages.
-Our new secretary does not speaks 2 foreign languages.
?Does the our new secretary speaks 2 foreign languages?
Наш новый секретарь говорит на 2 иностранных языках.
5.+ The company recently was signing an important contract with a foreign partner.
-The company recently was not signing an important contract with a foreign partner.
?was the company recently signing an important contract with a foreign partner?
Недавно компания подписала важный контракт с иностранным партнером.
6.+Last year we took part in the International Fair.
-Last year we did not took part in the International Fair.
?Did we took part in the International Fair in last year?
В году мы приняли участие в Международной ярмарке.
7.+ US companies have their own network of distribution.
-US companies do not have their own network of distribution.
?do US companies have their own network of distribution?
Американские компании имеют собственную сеть дистрибуции.
3)They say that the thieves will be found very soon
4)Dr Watson wasn't being followed that night
5)The film Disaster Mystery hasn't been shown yet
6)Arrests aren't being made at the moment