1) Michael's idea that people shoud just wear on the whole what they want is closest to my own opinion, because I believe that people should wear clothers whichever they like and also create something new if they want to.
2) I think that it's important to look different from others because everybody dreams to show being original, fashionable, stylish, trendy, smart, elegant, popular, up-to-date and cool. But you shouldn't forget that your clothes should be not only fashionable but also comfortable and, besides, suitable for the occasion: party, casual or school clothes.
3) I think that life experience, age, money, character, mood determine a person's style in clothes.
4) What can you do to look different from others?
To my mind you can:
- create clothes by yourself
- combine styles of your clothes
- wear clothes which you like
- try to create your own style
2. He has played Hamlet on the stage many times.
3. The bank is between the post-office and the beauty salon.
4. The ball has rolled under the bed.
5. Bob and Jane were sitting in the cafe in front of each other.
6. The gym is next to my college.
7. The monument is on the right.
8. The office address is at the top of the page.
9. He spends all his life at work.
10. The kettle is boiling in the kitchen.
1. Часы висит на стене, над столом.
2. Он играл Гамлета на сцене много раз.
3. Банк между почтой и салоном красоты.
4. Мяч закатился под кровать.
5. Боб и Джейн сидели в кафе напротив друг друга.
6. Тренажерный зал рядом с моим колледжем.
7. Памятник находится справа.
8. Адрес офиса в верхней части страницы.
9. Он проводит всю свою жизнь на работе.
10. На кухне кипит чайник.