Сделайте следующие предложения отрицательными. 1) there is some milk on the floor. 2) there is some water in the refrigerator. 3) someone is at the door. 4) everyonr is tired after the trip.
1) There isn`t any milk on the floor. 2) There isn`t any water in the refrigerator. 3) Anybody isn`t at the door. 4) Everyone isn`t tired after the trip.
Dear (имя друга), Etiquette rules are very important in Russia. Men usually greet each other with a handshake. When women meet, they kiss on the cheek three times. When I meet my friends and relatives, I always greet women with kissing their hands and I greet men with a handshake. If foreigner visits a Russian family, male guests are expected to bring flowers for women. A little gift or souvenirs are welcomed too. Russians often protest when they are offered a gift. Reply that it is a little something and offer the gift again. I am sure it will generally be accepted. Russians are great hosts and love entertaining guests in their homes. They will often put more food on the table than can be eaten to indicate there is an abundance of food. Guests who leave food on their plates honor their host. It means they have eaten well. Write back soon. (Твоё имя)
I have very good friends . They love me , appreciate and respect . They always help me in difficult times. Every evening after school I walk with my friends. I tell them their grievances secrets . And I think they 've never betray . I internstno them walk. We have a lot in common. Friends share their interests with me. They are very loyal . I trust them and they trust me . And I need them and is willing to support them at any time . У меня очень хорошие друзей. Они меня любят, ценят и уважают. Они всегда могут мне в трудную минуту. Каждый вечер после уроков я гуляю со своими друзьями. Я рассказываю им свои обиды, секреты. И я думаю они меня никогда не предадут. Мне очень интернстно с ними гулять. У нас очень много общего. Друзья делятся своими интересами вместе со мной. Они очень преданные. Я им доверяю также как они доверяют мне. А также я в них нуждаюсь и готов поддержать их в любой момент.
there is not any water in the refrigerator.
nobody/noone is at the door.
noone/nobody is tired after the trip.